Chapter 16: Candy and Almost Ditching Training Which is a No No

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“I’m so happy we’re able to hang out today! We’re hardly able to,” Patton complained as he, Logan, and Roman walked through Target together.

“Well, I have been busy with work, trying to keep up rent and all,” Roman said, looking around as he pushed the cart. He insisted on doing so since Logan and Patton had been doing too much for him. 

Hopefully you’ve been resting,” Logan reminded him with a small huff.

Roman groaned and dramatically rolled his eyes. “I went to the doctor yesterday and she said I was fine! My ribs are healed, and my head is perfectly fine.”

“So you aren’t seeing anymore strange visions?”

“Nope, but I can see ghosts now!” Roman laughed, turning into the candy aisle. He didn’t notice the way Patton had tensed up when he said that, instead looking at the bags of candy.

“Haha, how humorous.” Logan folded up his arms.

“Nice alliteration, teacher.”

“Thank you. However you should know ghosts aren’t real. There’s no scientific proof, and all proof that has been found is fake.”

“Uh huh, sure. Non-believer.” Roman smiled over at Patton.

“Don’t look at me, I agree with him,” Patton told him nervously, grabbing a bag of gummy bears. Logan huffed silently, but he didn’t say anything about it or put the bag back.

“What? No! I can’t be the only one!” Roman whined.

“Regardless of all of that, if you need help keeping up rent, you know my family won’t mind helping you. You know that my parents like you.”

“I know, it’s not like they’ve never spent more money on me than they needed to. It’s a wonder why they didn’t just adopt me and my brother. But I don’t need any help! I’m doing fine on my own.” Roman grabbed a bag of lollipops, looking at the flavors before setting it in the cart.

“Still, you should at least look into getting a roommate to help with rent. I don’t want you stressing out.”

“Yeah! That’s how Logan and I met!” Patton agreed. “I’m sure you’ll be able to make a great friend, or perhaps something more?”

“Roman sighed heavily, “But I don’t want a roommate, I’m doing fine! It’ll be weird to have someone living with me after it’s been so long.”

“We just don’t want you to struggle! I know it can be hard, especially with what happened to…” Patton trailed off awkwardly.

Roman smiled sadly. “It’s okay, you know, you can say it. It’s been a year, I’m doing better. I’ll admit, Remus is another reason why I don’t want a new roommate. It just feels like I’ll be replacing him.”

“If you don’t think you can find a good roommate, then I can help,” Logan offered to him softly.

“No, it’s fine, I can look for one. It would make things easier.”

“Well, I trust that you’ll do what’s right.”

“Oh! What if we did a movie night tonight?” Patton suggested. “It’s been awhile!”

“I’m afraid I have some plans later tonight,” Roman said regretfully.

Patton deflated with a pout. “Okay…”

“But! We can still watch a bunch of movies before it gets too late!” Roman quickly offered. “Just because I’m busy tonight doesn’t mean we can’t watch movies together! We can get some candy and build a pillow fort. Right Logan?”

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