Epilogue: Into the Future! Why is Virgil Taking So Long?

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Roman tapped on the styrofoam cup nervously, looking up and down the street. It had officially been 75 years, and Virgil had promised to meet up with him soon outside of Starbucks.

"Where is he?" he asked under his breath impatiently.

"Gurl, calm down," Remy said. "He's probably trying to scrub the smell of dead fish off of him."

"I'm just so excited to see him again!"

"You saw him last month."

"We only slept together!"

"Kinky." Remy took a sip of his coffee.

Roman's face burned red. "Remington! Not like that!"

"Ooh, you used my full name, papa's angry." He smiled into his cup. Remy had died over sixty years ago, Roman being the one to take him off, and then help him become a reaper. He was just barely 18, black dreads falling into his eyes and skin dark. They wore a leather jacket and shades, reminding Roman of the characters from Grease. There was an ongoing joke that Roman and Virgil had adopted him, despite most of his interactions with Virgil being through the phone.

"You need to stop talking to Remus, you get worse every time," Roman told him with a slight shake of his head.

"But he's so much more fun than you."

"Then go find him and stay with him instead of me!"

"But he's across the world and that's so much of a hassle! I'd rather be with you and fish dad!"

"You know he doesn't like that nickname."

"Then he can ground me."

"We're not actually your parents!"

Remy gasped dramatically. "I'm adopted?"

"I would never adopt you."

"Ouch! Ooh, that puts a hole in my heart!" He put a hand over his chest, coincidently over the same place where he was shot.

"I don't like those jokes."

Remy stuck his tongue out. "Sue me."

"Roman! Remy!" a familiar voice called, making both of them look over.

Patton jumped down from a nearby building, followed by Logan. They both floated to the ground thanks to the wind spirit.

Logan had died at forty, several decades ago. He unfortunately died in a building collapse at work. Not wanting to go to any afterlife, and he had tried all kinds of religions while alive, he decided to become a reaper. He had gray streaks in his hair from when he was alive, but other than that the black had turned into a dark blue.

Patton himself had changed his appearance to look older, but he still acted as he did 75 years ago, though a little bit more mature. He stayed mostly in the spirit world now that Logan had passed, but both crossed over for dates often. It was adorable, but what was even better was seeing the rings that they've worn ever since Logan was alive, their marriage was always an amazing reminder.

"Patton! Logan!" Roman greeted, opening his arms for a hug. Patton practically barreled into him, and Logan opted to putting a hand on the red reaper's shoulder. "It's been awhile!"

"Well, I'm being moved to a different city soon and wanted to stop by before heading over," Logan said.

"It should be the day Virgil comes back!" Patton said, bouncing slightly. "Are you excited?"

"Am I ever!" Roman agreed. "It's been too long, I miss him so much!"

"He seems to be running late though," Remy added.

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