Chapter 15: Catching Up and Totally Not Gossiping

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CW: mentions of Remus's death and a sexual innuendo

“Wait, Patton did what?!” Remus shouted between his giggles.

“He brought a dog home from his job!” Roman laughed. “The-the dog wasn’t obeying commands that he was trying to teach, so it failed to be a service dog. So Patton adopted him! His name is Sprinkles!”

“Oh my god I wish I was alive to see Logan’s reaction to that! They share an apartment after all!”

“I was there when it happened! Logan literally froze up, I think he wanted to be upset but you know how he is with Patton! Absolutely smitten, so he couldn’t say no. He tried so hard though, it was hilarious!”

Remus laughed louder, holding onto Janus’s hand who just rolled his eyes at his boyfriend. “Oh my god! I can see his face now! And Patton’s puppy dog eyes, ugh no one can resist those. Have they finally gotten together yet?”

“No! It’s amazing how oblivious they both are! Mr. Emotions and Mr. Know-it-all, they’re ridiculous! They’re in way too deep.”

“I’ve been dead over a year and they’re still pining? It took Jan and I a few months before we started dating. He was practically begging me to be his boyfriend-”

“Not true in the slightest!” Janus corrected him with a slight laugh. “You’re the one who asked, and I answered with a simple yes.”

“Oh who’s telling lies now? Trying to act all sophisticated. I believe your exact words were ‘sure, why not?’”

Roman laughed, “I’ll admit, you’re not what I expected. I would have thought Remus would date someone just as crazy as him, but you’re pretty calm.”

“Why thank you.”

“You should see him when he fights! It’s fantastic! Super sexy…” Remus said with a slight blush.

“You’re not bad in a pinch yourself.”

“I did see you two earlier!” Roman admitted. “Where’d you get that mace from?”

“It’s a morning star,” Remus corrected him, summoning it. He laid it against his shoulder, spinning it slightly. “I got it when I finally turned into a reaper, it took a whole year! Literally, I got it on the anniversary of my death.”

“So did Death give it to you or…?”

“No, when reapers become strong enough they’re able to create a weapon themselves,” Janus explained. He summoned his whip, the rope tightly woven and a heavy blade at the end of it. “As cheesy as it sounds, it’s part of us, comes from within us.”

“What happens if it gets damaged? Can it be fixed?”

“Well, when it breaks it can be turned into a different weapon, or just be upgraded. For example, a friend of ours used to have a crossbow, but it broke in half and turned into two hand guns. But that’s if you survive. Since it’s part of us, it can only break when we’re weakened, on the verge of fading.”

“Fading away is basically a second death,” Remus explained. “No one knows what happens to those who fade away, but it’s believed that our soul is just destroyed.”

“Could-could that happen to me?” Roman asked, starting to feel nervous.

“I suppose, although I don’t know what would happen to your body,” Janus admitted. “Perhaps it would die, or be put into a vegetated state.”

“I… have not appreciated my body as much as I do now.”

“Ha! That’s how I felt when I was still able to fight while I was riddled with bullets!” Remus commented, making Roman pale at the reminder.

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