Chapter 4: Disney and Pizza is the Best Combination

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CW: blood, a hurt animal

"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Patton asked Roman.

"Yes, I'm fine!" Roman insisted.

"I'm just really worried, your ribs haven't fully healed yet."

"Who's holding my stuff here?"

"You are," Logan answered, unlocking the door to Roman's apartment. "Only because you insisted on doing so, even though the doctor told you to rest."

"That was two weeks ago, I'm feeling much better!"

"She said it would take you longer to heal your cracked ribs."

Roman pouted, walking into his apartment as Logan opened the door. "I can take care of myself now. Besides, I still have enough medicine left! If the pain gets too bad, I'll just take some of that."

"What about those weird visions you've been seeing?" Roman cringed, regretting having told Logan about those. Ever since he did, Logan's been worrying over him. To be fair though, his visions had been getting weirder. He's been seeing neon creatures of different shapes and sizes.

"They're just visions, I know they're not real." He set his things down on his coffee table, moving slower than he liked.

"You still need to talk to the doctor about them, I don't think you should be on your own if you're still having them."

"I'll call you if there's a problem, how about that?"

Logan sighed with a slight shake of his head. "It's your funeral."

"I'm counting on you to be the one to plan it." Roman gave him finger guns.

Patton laughed as Logan rolled his eyes again. "Well, if you're sure you're going to be okay, then we trust you. Call us if you need help with anything, okay?"

"I already promised that I would! I'll be fine, I swear, don't worry about me!"

"You'd be just as worried if either of us were in your situation," Logan told him. "In fact, you would worry more."

"Maybe if it was padre here, but I know you would be just fine because you're smart enough to not get hurt."

"Flattery will get you nowhere, you know that." Roman just shrugged, immediately regretting it as pain sprouted in his ribs. He hid it well though, and just continued to smile, making Logan sigh. "Very well, we'll take our leave then. Just be careful, especially when you return to work."

"Yes yes, I promise I won't let myself get hurt anymore."

"Good," Patton said. He carefully hugged Roman, who gladly hugged him back. Patton is for some reason always cold, though it was a refreshing cold like a soft breeze on a warm day, making his hugs amazing. Especially against sore ribs. He pulled away and smiled brightly. "See you later, kiddo!"

"Bye you two!"

"Farewell for now," Logan replied, opening the door and letting Patton leave first.

Roman sighed as the door closed, immediately bringing an arm to his chest. He made his way over to the couch and slowly lowered himself before letting himself relax completely.

He stared at the ceiling for a bit before closing his eyes. It felt nice to be in his own home, he loved the other two but he was getting restless in their apartment. He had to get out and do something!

Plus now that he's alone there's no one to worry about him. He loved the attention but it was just too much! He couldn't even get himself a bowl of cereal without Patton or Logan helping. At least now he doesn't have to hide his pain to keep from worrying the other two even more.

He reached over to the coffee table and grabbed the remote for the TV, deciding to distract himself for a little bit. It's not like he had anything else to do.


Roman hummed along to "You're Welcome" as Moana played. Usually he would be singing just loud enough to avoid getting a complaint from his neighbors, but that hurt too much. He was going to need to practice singing once he's fully healed, hopefully his voice hasn't been negatively impacted from the accident.

His eye caught the clock right under the TV and he saw it was past 6. He had been so distracted by his movie marathon that he didn't realize he was even hungry.

He carefully got up, not bothering to pause the movie since he knew the whole thing by heart. Plus the kitchen wasn't too far from the TV anyway, he could just listen to it from there.

He opened the fridge and immediately plugged his nose. "Dear Zeus!" he exclaimed, quickly shutting it.

What little leftovers he had apparently had spoiled while he was living with Logan and Patton. He was too tired to clean out his fridge now, and didn't really feel like making anything new with whatever hasn't gone bad. Pizza it is!

Roman pulled out his phone and ordered something from Domino's, being the nearest pizza place to him. To be honest, he wasn't too excited to drive again, but he had to if he wanted everything to get back to normal. Still, he wanted to order for pick up so he can actually leave his home.

He turned off his TV and grabbed a jacket and the keys to the loaner car that he had. He still needed to get a new car, luckily insurance will help with most of the cost. He locked his apartment as he left and carefully went down the stairs, heading straight for the parking lot.

It didn't take long for him to reach Domino's, and he knew his order wasn't going to be ready so he just rolled down his window, lowering his music so he wouldn't disturb anyone.

He was playing some games on his phone when he heard some noise come from a nearby alley. Instantly, Roman's head shot up and he looked into the dark for any movement, but it was silent.

Cautiously, Roman got out of his car, turning the engine off and rolling up his windows before closing the door and locking it. He walked closer to the alley, his keys between his fingers in case he needed to defend himself.

As he got closer, he heard what sounded like an animal whimpering. His heart softened and worry grew as he got closer to it. It was coming from behind a dumpster, and he crouched to see a calico cat with a chip in it's right ear.

His heart clenched when he saw the multicolored fur was stained red. The moment the cat saw him, it hissed loudly, fur sticking up on it's back.

"Okay, okay," Roman whispered softly. He sighed and tried to think of what to do. He took off his jacket slowly, cooing soft shushing sounds as the cat continued to hiss and growl.

He held the jacket out and the cat stood up, trying to back out but ending up falling and whimpering some more. Roman whined slightly in worry, carefully scooping up the cat in his jacket. He adjusted it so the cat's head was poking out, trying to make it comfortable and at the same time trying to keep it still so it won't hurt itself or Roman.

He quickly made his way back to the car, trying to keep from jostling the hurt kitten. It was so skinny and weak that it hurt Roman's heart. The second he got into the car, he turned it back on and grabbed his phone. He looked up at the closest vet, typing as fast as he could while keeping a hand on the cat in his lap, scratching behind their ears to keep them calm. The moment he had the location in, he drove off, being sure to be careful.

A/N: hey guys! I just wanted to let you know that starting tomorrow I won't have a posting schedule, I'll try to post often but since school started up I don't have a lot of time nor energy to write as much as I would like. Even though I don't like this since there will be days I don't post anything, there might also be days where I post more than one chapter! I don't know how long this will last, but we’ll see

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