Chapter 27: No Bar Fights Please

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CW: alcohol and a guy not taking no for an answer.

"Why are we here again?" Virgil asked with a slight growl in his voice.

Roman dragged him towards the gay bar, telling him, "To have fun! You've seemed stressed out lately."

"In case you've forgotten, I don't particularly like being in public. Especially without my hoodie."

"The leather jacket looks good on you though! It makes you look badass!" He brought Virgil inside and dragged him towards the counter.

Virgil rolled his eyes, not sure how much he agreed with Roman's statement. He wore a purple shirt and high waisted skinny black jeans.

Roman himself wore a red dress with golden accents, red heels with ribbons tied around his ankles clacked on the floor as he walked. He had golden eyeshadow on and red lipstick. He looked... nice.

"I'm honestly surprised you want to go to a bar, I would have thought you hated them," Virgil said, really just wanting to leave.

"For a while I didn't want to be anywhere near a bar, but I've gotten over that. Especially since I know Remus is okay now. Though, I will admit..." Roman slowed his pace. "This is the first time I've been to one since his death."

Virgil gave him a concerned look. Gods he would do anything for this man, and now he has to make sure Roman has a good time here.

"Okay, well I don't usually go to bars," Virgil told him, looking around the place. The music was loud, lights were flashing everywhere, and people were dancing and drinking, in all honesty it was dreadful to him. "So what do we do?"

"Whatever we want! Dance, drink, just party!"

"I'm... not much of a dancer. And I haven't had alcohol... in a long time." It was probably best not to say anything about reapers in case anyone overheard, though he wouldn't know how because everything was loud and overwhelming.

"Are you scared you won't be able to handle your liquor?"

"I'm afraid that the alcohol here will taste awful."

"Depends on the drink. And with dancing, I can help!" Roman grabbed his hand again and pulled him to the dance floor.

"Wait, Roman!" Virgil tried to protest, but the human spun him around.

"Come on! I'm not going to force you to drink, but at least dance with me for a bit!"

The reaper sighed but relented, letting Roman take the lead. And before he knew it, after spinning and dancing around for a few songs, he was laughing along with the human. He let himself relax as they danced together, it felt like they were the only ones there. The only person who mattered to Virgil at that moment was Roman.

Eventually Roman dragged him back to the bar so that he at least could get a drink for himself, but Virgil allowed himself to try a drink. It tasted awful, just as he remembered, but in a good way.

Roman returned to the dance floor by himself this time and Virgil stayed back to watch. He took out his phone and took a picture, sending it to Remus and 'complaining' about how his brother dragged him there.

Remus called him out on his bullshit, saying Virgil allowed himself to be dragged there. Then he called him a simp for taking a picture of his brother, whatever that means.

He looked up after the quick conversation was over to see a man talking to Roman. For a moment, Virgil found jealously wiggling through his chest but he ignored it, the human could talk to or even date whoever he wants.

Besides, Roman seemed to be turning the man down, probably from a dance or asking for a drink. Virgil couldn't help but smile as he turned away from the stranger, only for it to drop and be replaced by red hot anger as the man grabbed Roman's arm.

The reaper set his cup down and marched over. "Hey!" he shouted. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Virgil!" Roman smiled at him in relief. Looks like he made the right decision when he decided to come over. He tore himself from the other man's grip and quickly made his way to Virgil's side, hiding behind him slightly.

"What is this your boyfriend?" the stranger asked. "Oh come on, you can do better than him."

Virgil was going to make a move, but Roman grabbed him to hold him back. He shook his head, clearly not wanting to make a scene.

The reaper growled but stayed put. He glared at the stranger and warned, "Back off, I don't want to see you messing with him again. I can and will destroy you."

"I'd like to see you try. But if it's a fight you want-"

"No!" Roman interrupted. "No violence." He turned to look at Virgil, practically begging him with his eyes. "Please?"

He was panicking, Virgil could tell that much. Dammit, he was supposed to be making sure Roman was having a good time, he didn't want him to have any bad experiences after what happened to Remus. He seriously doubted Roman would ever want to go to a bar again.

"We're leaving," Virgil said. Staying clearly wasn't going to help, and he saw Roman sigh with relief so he clearly didn't want to be here a minute longer either.

The stranger clearly wanted to say more, but Virgil gave him a withering look, one he used in battle quite often. Growing up during a war helped him learn to be scary, even if he was slightly shorter than average in the modern world.

The stranger backed down and Virgil took Roman's hand, leading him outside. It was dark now, the night air cold. The quiet was deafening compared to how loud it was in the bar.

Roman hugged himself as they walked back to the car, but he stopped before they got in.

"I guess I shouldn't drive since I drank, huh?" He attempted to joke, but it fell flat. He sighed, "I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to apologize for, it was that jerk back there," Virgil told him.

"I know, but I really wanted to party with you. It seemed like you had a lot on your mind, at least you've been more quiet, so I wanted to distract you. Remus used to take me to bars when I seemed stressed, so it was the first thing that came to mind. We should have done something else."

Virgil deflated, Roman was just trying to do this for him. "If it makes you feel any better, I did have fun."

"The night was still ruined. I don't know what to do..."

"It's still not too late, what if we go somewhere else?"

"I wouldn't know where."

"Seems like you're the one that can't handle your alcohol if you're already so absent minded. Did you say you were going to teach me how to walk in heels? There has to be somewhere that's still open that sells some."

"I was just joking," Roman told him, but there was a slight laugh in his voice. "Do you really want to learn?"

Not really. "Sure? And maybe afterwards we can go to some diner that's open 24 hours. Get something to eat and then head home. Then we can watch movies until you pass out."

Roman snorted in amusement. "Thank you, Virgil."

"Of course! All we need to do is find a ride, since you can't drive yourself."

"I'll call an uber." Roman pulled out his phone.

Virgil smiled as he watched. Roman was smiling, happy again. Gods, he has the reaper wrapped around his finger, doesn't he? He'll do just about anything to protect that smile.

He thought back to earlier how Roman clearly didn't like talking to that stranger. He remembered how Roman begged for there not to be any violence and frowned slightly. Romulus wouldn't have hesitated to knock that guy's lights out. Guess Roman really isn't exactly like him, maybe he isn't reincarnated from him after all. Maybe this means Roman won't leave him!

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