Chapter 43: Thank Venus, Finally!

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"Okay, so we agree that Patton and Logan like each other and that we need to get them together, right?" Virgil asked as he and Roman entered their apartment.

"Right, but Patton doesn't want to get together until Logan knows about the spirit world. Thing is, Logan doesn't even believe in ghosts," Roman explained.

"Really? Weird. Guess he is a man of science and there's no scientific proof that ghosts exist. Telling him about the spirit world and showing him proof will be a huge wake up call, so we're going to need to figure out a way to let him know slowly. He's also going to be really upset when he finds out that we've been lying this whole time, especially with Patton. Hopefully he'll understand though."

"Ooh, what if we go to an abandoned building? I know a place, Remus used to take me there when we would sneak out."

"How many sneaking out stories do you have?" Virgil turned to Roman as he set the take out boxes in the fridge.

"Thanks to Remus? A bunch. But what if we take Logan to an abandoned building, tell him it's haunted, and then you can pretend to be a ghost!"

"How would he even know I'm there? It's not like I can pick something up and throw it, or have you forgotten that picking things up in the living world is practically impossible in the spirit world?"

"We can use ghost hunting equipment! Something's bound to work."

"Yes, ghost hunting equipment, even though most of it is fake and the rest just don't work."

"At the very least, it'll be really fun! Please?"

"Only if you can get Patton to agree to it. I'll just go along to humor you."

Roman grabbed Virgil in a hug. "You're the best!"

Virgil rolled his eyes, but a smile tugged at his lips. "So, what now? We have the rest of the day to do nothing. Do you want to start your training early?"

"Not yet, why don't we do something else together?"

"Do you have a suggestion?"

"I've got board games!"

Virgil groaned, leaning back against the counter. "Board games are boring! Why else do you think they're called that?"

"Because they're games typically made on boards? The spelling is different."

"If I go to Tartarus, then I know my punishment would be board games. That or puzzles, but I'm pretty sure that one's been done already. Pluto is merciful, his wife Proserpina is the one who gives out the harsher punishments."

"Look, I'll know how to make it fun! Hopefully it won't turn out to be like what happens when Remus and I played together. He can bite hard."

"He's definitely a biter. Fine, I'll play your stupid board games."

"Yes! Thank you!" Roman grabbed Virgil's hand and pulled them to the living room. "Wait here, I'll go get them."

Virgil laughed as he watched Roman take off. He was just like a puppy, he got so excited it was adorable. He was so happy that Roman wanted to stay with him forever, whether or not he really meant it. That gave Virgil plenty of time to tell him.

"Okay, so I got a bunch cause I wasn't sure which ones to get," Roman called as he walked back into the living room.

"You weren't even gone for a few seconds."

"Yeah but I just grabbed a bunch so we could decide together." Roman sat down and set a bunch of boxes down in front of them. "So, we have the classic, Monopoly, it's a real friendship breaker."

"Cool, so when I get annoyed at you we'll play that."

"Haha, as if this will be enough to get rid of me. Then we have Remus's favorite."

"I'm already frightened."

Roman held up the black box. "Cards against humanity. But we need three people to play so I'm not even sure why I grabbed it."

Virgil set his elbow on his knee, resting his cheek on his fist. "Oh, too bad, that's a real shame."

Roman laughed, "Yeah, but it's actually fun most of the time. We have Battleship, Guess Who, Connect Four-"

"Man modern games suck."

"You don't get to say that until you've beaten me at them!"

"Please," Virgil laughed. "These all look so easy! How are they interesting at all?"

"It depends on who you play them with! Make up stupid rules, get competitive, make bets! Like for example!" Roman picked up Monopoly. "Remus and I added a rule in here. If you get stuck in jail, you can choose to get out, or as we call it, pay your bail if you pick up a card that we made full of dares! We had all kinds of stuff, like drinking a spoon full of hot sauce or telling an embarrassing story."

"Interesting... What else?" Virgil asked.

"Oh, in Uno we made a bunch of cards that if you pulled, something bad happened. The goal of the game is to lose all of your cards, so there's a card that if you pulled, everyone has to give you one of their cards, any of their choosing." Roman started laughing, "Remus pulled it once and I started making fun of him, then he full on tackled me! The motherfucker scratched me and left a scar!" He pulled up his sleeve and showed a small scar on his shoulder.

Virgil laughed at him. "You call that a scar! A bunny rabbit could make a bigger scar!"

"Oh right, I forget who I'm talking to, Mr. Tough-Guy."

"Anytime you want a real fight, all you have to do is ask me."

"Alright then, Battleship it is." Roman pushed the other boxes away and opened the red box. "Remus and I never had the chance to come up with any new rule, so would you rather bet something on it?"

"Alright, if I win then I get to choose your outfit for a day. Hope you like wearing black."

"Black looks great on me, thank you very much!" Roman puffed his chest out. He stopped as he thought for a moment. "If I win... you have to..." He hesitated, shrinking smaller. "You have to go on a date with me."

Virgil flushed red, sitting up in surprise. He bit his lip before saying, "I thought that the bet was to make the other do something they wouldn't want to do."

Roman looked away as his cheeks started to turn red. "Well, maybe I wouldn't make it a very fun date. You would have to ride in the car with me."

"I would hate it if you made me pay for everything." Virgil allowed himself to smile.

"You'd have to dress up."

"How horrible."

A grin split on Roman's face as he started setting up his ships. "And I get to choose where we go, and when we go home."

"Sounds dreadful, I can't let you win now," Virgil started to set up his board, a smile wide on his face.

"I hope you like candle lit dinners."

Virgil's face became hotter, his heart pounding hard in his chest. Was this really happening? "As long as they're not roman candles."

"Now that would be reckless," Roman laughed.

It wouldn't be such a bad thing to lose to Roman just one time. "Okay, I'm ready. Let's play."

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