Chapter 36: Worst Dream Ever

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CW: blood, gore, death, main character death kinda?? It's dream time pals!

Logan closed the trunk door once everything was put in there, well almost everything. Patton insisted on keeping his Dumbo pillow on his lap for the car ride, and Logan let him as long as he promised to not block the window.

There were mostly bags of merchandise that they bought, though Virgil and Logan insisted on paying for most of it. Virgil and Patton were already in the car, Patton hugging his Dumbo tight and Virgil playing with Logan's fidget cube.

"Is that everything?" Logan asked.

"I believe so! There was nothing left in the hotel," Roman answered, making his way to the car door.

"Okay then, let's head home. We should be there by lunch."

"I'm going to pass out the moment we get home."

"You can sleep in the car," Logan reminded him as he climbed into the driver's seat. "The drive is two hours, which isn't a lot I'm aware but it's long enough for a decent nap."

"As decent of a nap one can be in a car." Roman climbed into his seat, pulling his seatbelt on.

"Naps in the car aren't bad," Virgil commented. "It makes time go by faster."

"Are you going to fall asleep against my shoulder again, my beloved emo?"

"You wish."

"I'm sure I'm really comfortable to cuddle with!" Roman continued to tease, shimming his shoulders slightly.

"You really are," Patton agreed. "I love group cuddles with you two. Oh! And when Virgil joined us during the sleepover while we were watching movies! I loved that too!"

"You like cuddles in general, don't you?" Virgil asked.

"Who doesn't? They're great!"

"Then I'm even happier I got you the Dumbo plushie," Logan said, "that way you have something to cuddle with on the way home."

Patton squeezed it tighter, burying his face into it. "I love it, Logan. You're the best!"

"Is everyone buckled up?" Logan turned around to see Roman and Virgil safely buckled before turning to see Patton had his seatbelt on as well. They all nodded and Logan turned back to the wheel. "Very well, let's begin our drive."


"Are you well, Romulus?" Virgil asked, helping the princep take off his armor.

"I do believe I am unhurt," Roman replied. He pulled his chest plate off once all the latches and ties were undone. "What of you."

"I'm fine, my dear. Those Germania didn't put a scratch on me this time."

"I'm glad." Roman turned to Virgil who grabbed a rag to wipe the blood away.

"You fought well today, princey. You know, I think red suits you. I just wish that when the war is over that I could stay by your side."

Roman took the rag from Virgil's hands and wiped the blood from his face. "Perhaps you could. I could make some arrangements with my father."

"I would be honored to be your personal guard."

Roman took Virgil's hand. "Perhaps you could be something more, my beloved?"

He watched as Virgil's face turned red. "I-I would like that."

"Venus truly blessed me when she let us meet. You are so wonderful."

"And you even more so."

Roman let go of Virgil's hand as he walked to the table that they had set up in his tent. There was a bowl of fruit on there, as well as several more papers. "Have you eaten yet? We had just won a giant battle, and I don't want you to pass out from hunger."

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