Chapter 21: Woah Those are Some Crazy Dreams, Dude

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"Wait, Hans is evil?" Virgil shouted. It was their second movie night in a row since Roman insisted on watching all of them in order. Currently they were watching Frozen at three in the morning.

Roman laughed at his reaction. "Trust me, we all felt the same way."

"But I thought he loved Anna! What the hell, that's just dirty! And sadly accurate, many men and women have done that in the past."

"He's a slimy snake, I do not like him."

"Gods, he deserves to be punched in the face."

Roman laughed harder, making Virgil turn from the TV to face him. He couldn't help but smile at the human, he looked so happy.

"Tr-trust me," Roman said, still giggling. "He gets what he deserves."

Virgil turned back to the movie, leaning back against the couch. Okay, yes, he admits it, Disney movies are fun. Though the earliest do not give girls enough credit, there were several that he liked.

Roman looked over at him, seeing the smile on the reaper's face. He loved the way Virgil's eyes lit up, it was just like a child's! He sorta wished Virgil was in his phantom form so he could see what color his hair was, but then it would have been hard to eat the popcorn and cuddle on the couch. Platonic cuddling!

Roman's eyes started to droop and he turned back to the movie. Several scenes passed and they were almost at the end, Virgil cheered when Hans got punched, grabbing Roman's hand. He was glad it was dark so Virgil couldn't see how much it made him blush.

The movie ended and Roman yawned slightly, catching Virgil's attention. The reaper rolled his eyes and told him, "Okay, maybe that's enough for tonight."

"M'kay," Roman agreed, rubbing his eyes.

"We can finish the rest tomorrow, so let's get you up and into bed." Virgil stood up, dusting crumbs off of him. He pulled Roman up, who immediately leaned against him. Virgil just sighed and started walking him to his room.

"I'm glad you like Disney," Roman said, burying his face into Virgil's shoulder. Virgil burned red, hating how his heart started to beat faster.

"It's not that bad." Virgil let go of Roman, letting him fall into his own bed. "Now get some rest, Prince Charming, it's way too late for you to be up."

Roman nodded, curling up in his bed. Virgil rolled his eyes, but threw his blanket over him since he seemed too tired to do it himself. Well, this gives him a few hours to go hunting.


Roman walked down the hall, followed by two guards. He pushed his way into the throne room, walking into the giant room that was filled with guards, the emperor at his throne with an advisor at his side.

Everyone was quiet and stood in line, except for his father who was talking to the advisor. The emperor turned to Roman the moment the doors opened, waving his advisor away.

Roman came closer before kneeling before him. "You have summoned me, father?"

The emperor smiled. "Yes, my son. I have heard that you wish to go to the front lines."

"I only wish to aid our army in their battles. I have had excellent training, and have learned much about military strategy. I believe I could be of great help to our people there."

The emperor nodded. "Very well. I will send you with my most trusted guard then."

"Thank you, father."

"Be safe out there, I do not want you to be hurt, Romulus."

The scene shifted and Roman found himself walking to a carriage, followed by several guards and servants who held his things. Standing by the carriage was his father, and another man with small scars on his face.

"Romulus," the emperor greeted. "This man shall be your guard, and your teacher."

"Teacher, father?" Roman asked, looking over at the man. He did look quite strong, but Roman didn't need a teacher.

"I know you are a good warrior, however it would make me feel better if you were taught by the best."

"I don't need a teacher, he looks strong but I am sure that I'm stronger!"

"Would you like to test that?" the emperor asked.

"I wouldn't mind that." Roman drew his sword.

The emperor smiled at the guard before stepping back. The man drew his sword, only to stick it in the ground. Roman frowned at this, did he really believe that he'll win this fight without a sword?

"You have the first move, my princep," the man told him, getting in a fighting stance.

"That's your second mistake," Roman gloated. He lunged forward and tried to strike the man, but the man moved faster. He got closer, grabbed Roman's wrist, then twisted so he could flip Roman over.

The air was knocked out of Roman when he hit the ground and he felt his sword being pulled out of his hand. The blade was placed under his chin and he froze.

"I believe I won," the man smiled.

Roman blushed brightly in embarrassment and the man reached down to help him up. He glared at the man before turning away.

"I suppose you are stronger than I," he begrudgingly said.

"Are you hurt at all?"

"Just my pride. May I know the name of my teacher?"

"You may call me Virgil, my princep."

The scene melted away once more and Roman found himself in the aftermath of a battle. Several men lay dead, several more injured as medics did their best to help. Many were marked for death, for they would not survive their wounds.

Romans eyes were filled with sorrow, they lost so many great men. This is why he must lead them.

"Princep Romulus," a legionary greeted. "We received news of your arrival."

"What happened here?" Roman asked.

"We were ambushed by the enemy. May we meet the men we lost in Elysium."

"Yes, and may the cowards who ambushed us rot in Tartarus."

"Do you have any commands for us?"

"Help the injured, then create a funeral pyre for those we lost, and then bring the injured home. Take half of your able men to help them."

"Very well," the legionary agreed.

Virgil sighed, "This isn't even the worst of it. I hope you're prepared, Princep Romulus."

"You may call me Romulus, and you needn't worry. I'm prepared to face any hardship."

"I hope so, otherwise you won't last long on the battlefield."

"You are a negative person."

Virgil shrugged. "I've seen many things in my life that turned me into who I am today. We should do what we can to help these men."

"Agreed," Roman sighed heavily. He turned to give orders as the scene faded away.

Roman blinked his eyes open, hearing a song playing. He looked over to see his phone was placed on his nightstand, his alarm going off. Oh right, Virgil brought him to his room. They stayed up late the night before, watching Disney movies.

Roman turned off the alarm and sat up with a groan. He rubbed his eyes to wake up, feeling absolutely awful. Maybe they shouldn't have stayed up so late.

He thought about the dreams he had. The only person he recognized was Virgil, they were really weird dreams too. He probably dreamed it because they watched Hercules first.

He laughed quietly as he remembered Virgil's reaction to it, he did not like the inaccuracies at all. Roman had to pause the movie because he started ranting, and at some point he started speaking in Latin making Roman laugh so hard he doubled over. At least he had that memory to get him through the day.

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