Chapter 18: Roman Might Accidently Kill Virgil

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"Please?" Roman begged, his hands folded up as he gave Virgil his best puppy dog eyes.

"No," Virgil told him for the hundredth time, keeping his arms crossed.

"My friend needs proof that I finally have a roommate! And it will be really fun! I promise you'll love them!"

"I'm not meeting your friends!" Roman had been bothering him about it for what felt like an hour, though it really wasn't. Now that Virgil finally moved into the empty room that Remus had lived in, Roman wanted him to officially meet Logan and Patton.

"Why not?" the human pouted.

"Because I know they'll ask a bunch of questions, and it's too hard to pretend to be human. Plus, in case you haven't noticed, I'm not the social type. I'm what you modern people would call an emo."

"Gee, really? Could have fooled me."

Virgil crossed the veil just to smack Roman on the back of the head, making him shout in pain before laughing.

"Watch it before I actually kill you." Virgil glared at him.

"Aw, you wouldn't do that! Where else would you get your supply of lollipops from?"

"I hope you know I have more money than you can even fathom, I can buy all the lollipops in the world."

"Yeah but you wouldn't have to deal with the social interaction." Virgil rolled his eyes. "Come on! I'll take you to the best ice cream place to meet my friends!" Roman pulled on his arm now that he could actually touch him.

"Is it too late to move out?" Virgil pulled his arm out of Roman's grip.

"Yes, you bought a bunch of stuff for decorations and we spent a whole day on your room."

"You were the one that was obsessed with it looking perfect."

"Interior design is an art!"

"And did my bed really need that black cat pillow?"

"You loved it! I know you did! When I showed it to you your hair turned a lighter shade of purple!"

"Dammit, I hate my hair."

"Well I love it." Roman smiled brightly. "Please come meet my friends? I met your friend already!"

"You only met one of my friends, I have two. And no you're not meeting her."

"Pretty please? I am literally begging you!"

"I noticed." Roman stuck out his bottom lip in a pout. Virgil groaned as he gave in, "Fine! I'll meet your stupid friends!"

"Yay! Thank you!" Roman pulled him into a tight hug, making Virgil tense up. "First let's change your outfit!"

Roman grabbed the reaper's hand and started pulling him towards his room. "Woah, I just agreed to meeting your friends, do I really need to dress up for that?"

"Okay, no one goes to Alice's Ice Cream Parlor with what you're wearing! You need to dress snazzy!"

"I'm wearing this jacket no matter what," Virgil growled.

"Fine, I'll be able to find something nice to match it with!" Roman let go of Virgil's hand as they entered his room. He threw the closet door open and took a look at what Virgil had. He couldn't help but smile when he saw the shirt Virgil bought at his work, but decided that was too fancy for ice cream. He saw black combat boots on the floor and grabbed them. "We'll start with these."

"I thought you said you were going to dress me up fancy?" Virgil teased. "Combat boots aren't very fancy."

"I'm trying to match your aesthetic. Oh! This hat." Roman grabbed a purple beanie. "It'll match with your patches. Then..." He started going through the shirts. "Ah! Here we go." He grabbed a black shirt that had a purple rose on it, blood drops on it's petals. "This screams you."

"That's why I bought it, lollipop." Virgil took the hat and shirt from him. "What else?"

"Let's see what else you have..." Roman continued to look through his closet. At the back he found a hanger that had a purple scarf on it. It... it was strangely familiar, has he seen a scarf like this before? He grabbed it and asked, "What's this? Didn't think you were a scarf guy."

Virgil's eyes widened when he saw it and he ripped it from Roman's hands. "Don't touch it!"

"Woah, alright!" Roman said, putting his hands up. "Is it special to you?"

"I-I uh," Virgil struggled to find his words, hugging the scarf close. "It-it's really old. Someone gave it to me a long time ago."

"Okay, so I guess we're not wearing that then." Roman carefully looked it over, his heart dropped when he saw dark red staining the corner. "No... no big deal."

"Right, so uh... let's just finish the rest of my outfit." Virgil sent the scar away to his small dimension pocket, shame burning his face. He should have just left it hidden away, why did he put it in the closet?

"Yeah... let's do that." Roman nodded, deciding to leave the closet for now. He looked around a bit more and found the rest of Virgil's outfit, skinny black jeans that were ripped at the knees, a black belt, and a chain to hook on his pants.

Virgil put it on in the bathroom, and when he came out Roman fixed a few things. He had Virgil tuck his shirt in so they could at least see the belt, much to the reaper's annoyance, among other things.

Then Roman went to change himself, Virgil waiting in the living room. He had to admit, the outfit did match his aesthetic wonderfully and he did look nice. The human did a good job.

Once Roman came out of his room though, his face burned again, this time not from shame or embarrassment. Roman wore a black shirt with red roses, a brown leather jacket, a red skirt and fishnets. He wore red heels that had roses at the toes, and put on glasses that looked like pink dragonfly wings.

"Too much?" he asked sheepishly.

"I-I uh, I mean... Y-you look nice?" Virgil stuttered, blushing brighter. Stupid modern clothing. "D-don't the heels hurt?"

"Nah, it's fine, I've gotten used to them. Promise to catch me if I trip, though?"

Virgil scoffed, hoping Roman couldn't see how red his face was thanks to those pink tinted glasses. "You're on your own if you do that, lollipop, you chose to wear that."

"I bet you could rock heels."

"Dude, I wore sandals my whole life when I was alive. I think I would trip a million times if I did."

"I could teach you how to walk in them one day! We could go shopping! It's really fun to shop with you."

"That's just 'cause I have enough money to buy out all the stores here."

"Kinda, but also because you're really fun to hang out with." Virgil's blush darkened some more. If Roman keeps this up he might strangle him. "Now come on! I sent my friends a text, they said they'll meet us there!"

"Right, back into the death machine. Can't I just follow you on foot?"

"No cause if they get there before us it'll be weird if you're not in the car with me. You'll be fine, I won't go over the speed limit, I promise!"

Virgil sighed, standing up. "I'm holding you to that."

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