Chapter 51: Opening Night!

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"Oh gods, tonight's the night," Roman whined, anxiety curling around in his stomach. "There are so many people out there." He peaked out of the curtain, seeing the theater filling up with people.

Already the kids from the orphanage were there. Some looked around excitedly, others looked incredibly bored, and several more distracting themselves with someone else or just talking to each other. Roman could see the adults that took care of them, recognizing a few from his own childhood.

"You've memorized all of your lines," Virgil reminded him. He was in his reaper form, hiding backstage with Roman. "All you have to do is get out there and act. Just like at your rehearsals!"

"This isn't like rehearsals, there will be so many eyes on us." Roman left the curtains and started to head towards the dressing room. The play didn't start for a bit, but he was still on for the first scene. Being cursed by the witch, or sorcerer depending on how you see it.

"It's just like training, you train for what could happen but you don't know what will happen until it does," Virgo told him. Of course that made Roman whine more as he curled in on himself. "But if something goes sideways, you roll with it! I've seen you forget lines at rehearsals and come up with something brilliant! Actors in movies do it too, and they can repeat the scenes as many times as they want!"

Roman nodded, his legs felt like jelly but he pushed past it to get dressed. "Yeah, yeah you're right. I'll be okay."

"Okay, I'm going to head out to the seats so I'm not distracting you. I'll see you on stage amica mea. You're going to do well, I know it." (My love).

"Thank you, Virge."

The purple reaper smiled before leaving. He made sure to go to an area without any humans before crossing the veil. He grabbed his ticket and entered how everyone else did before rushing back to the auditorium.

By the time he reached there, the lights were dimming. Luckily Logan and Patton left an empty seat for him, and he quickly sat down as the whispers stopped. He made sure his phone was on vibrate so he wouldn't disturb the play but would still know if he's needed.

Lights appeared on the stage and the curtains opened, music playing from somewhere as actors were revealed. Roman was up there himself, the light shining down on him. The play had finally begun.

Virgil watched with a smile as Roman began to go over his lines just as he did at rehearsal. He watched as the anxiety started to leave him and he got into it. Soon Roman was perfectly in character, he was someone else. Except for the spark in his eye that never seemed to go away.

The reaper watched lovingly as the scenes changed, new and different characters walking on stage. He had to admit, on stage production has gotten better, though he almost laughed when Roman came back on stage as the beast. His costume was ridiculous! His wig was giant, and there was so much makeup on him that Virgil hardly recognized him.

The play continued on almost like the movie, characters doing things different here and there. Roman's singing was glorious to listen to, Virgil just couldn't take his eyes away.

When it finally finished, it felt like no time had gone by at all. Virgil and the other two rushed backstage to find him. They quickly found him in the dressing room, taking off the final outfit that he was in.

"Roman!" Patton called as he and Virgil rushed towards him, Logan walking behind them.

Virgil jumped at him, pulling him into a hug. Roman quickly picked him up and spun him around. "You were amazing out there! I told you there was nothing to worry about!" the reaper told him.

"I know! Gods, that was so much fun!" Roman exclaimed.

"And you'll be able to do it again, tonight was only opening night," Logan reminded him.

"The busiest night! So it's the best!"

"You were absolutely perfect!" Patton complimented. "I loved watching it!"

"I can't wait for tomorrow night when we do it all again! It was amazing!" Roman hugged Virgil closer, making the reaper laugh. He pulled away just enough to look at Virgil. "Can we kiss?"

The reaper didn't even respond, instead pulling Roman in till their lips were pressed together. He held the back of the human's head, his other hand on his shoulder as Roman continued to hug him.

Patton squealed slightly, grabbing Logan's arm. "You two are so cute!"

Virgil laughed as they pulled away, both of them blushing. "Typically people don't find me cute," he said.

"Well I do!" Roman shouted, holding him tighter. "I really wish you could come to all of my plays."

"I do too, but I was only able to come tonight. I have to work the rest of the week, and trust me I wish I would be here instead of working."

"Well coming to opening night is better than nothing, and I'm still thankful that you were able to come. I saw you in the audience and I got so happy! Certainly the best play I've done yet!"

"Hey Roman!" the woman who played Belle called over. "The cast is going out for dinner, do you want to come? You can bring your friends and boyfriend!"

"I'm good! Maybe next time."

"Why not?" Patton asked. "You love eating out in celebration for these kinds of things."

"Because I want to celebrate with you three, and just you three." Roman rested his chin on Virgil's shoulder, swaying them both slightly.

"Sounds perfect, but first you need to change," Virgil told him. "You look like a cheap version of an 18th century noble."

"That's because he is," Logan said.

Virgil wrinkled his nose as he laughed slightly, "I'd prefer it if he was dressed like himself. This is just ridiculous."

"Well I shouldn't be dressed in this much longer!" Roman declared dramatically. "If my love doesn't like it, then I'll change for him."

"Whatever," Virgil laughed, finally pushing away from the hug. "Just change already. We'll be waiting outside."

Roman grabbed him again and gave him a kiss on the head. "I love you."

Virgil smiled wide. "I love you too."

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