Chapter 25: Fun Times! ...That's Not Very Fun

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"Sleepover!" Patton shouted as Roman opened the door for him.

"Yay!" Roman cheered with him, grabbing him in a hug despite him holding a pillow and sleeping bag.

Virgil set down a bowl of popcorn next to their many other snacks. When they had gotten home Roman was listing off things he wanted to do when Logan and Patton got there, and he ended up ranting about having a sleepover and watching movies with all kinds of snacks. By the end of the discussion, Virgil didn't have the heart to ruin it by reminding him of training. He's allowed to have a break for the night, as a congratulations.

Roman was so thankful for Virgil, who insisted on running to get the snacks by himself. It was the fastest way, and despite Roman trying to convince him to let him pay, Virgil didn't allow him. It was a party for him, and Virgil has plenty of money.

"Congratulations on getting the callback," Logan said, giving Roman a red rose. "The color of the rose signifies a job well done."

Roman bowed dramatically. "Why thank you, sire."

"Take the damn rose, Roman," Logan said with a slight laugh.

He took it from Logan's hand, putting it in his hair. Good thing it didn't have any thornes. "I think red suits me quite well, doesn't it Virgil?"

Virgil felt another pang of sadness. "Yeah, it looks good on you."

"Hey kiddo!" Patton greeted him, rubbing Virgil's hair after setting his things down on the couch.

"Kiddo? I'm pretty sure I'm older than you."

"He calls everyone kiddo," Logan told him.

"That's our Patton! He'll make a great father one day!" Roman said.

"Aw hush! I'm already a father! Sprinkles is my child!"

"Oh how could I forget."

"Sprinkles is a dog," Logan reminded them.

"Hush Logan, Sprinkles is still his child!"

Virgil snorted as Logan rolled his eyes with a slight huff. "Hey, am I going to be the only one setting up this sleepover?" He called over.

"Of course not!" Roman exclaimed, rushing over.

Virgil was going to go back to getting the rest of the snacks set out but Roman grabbed him by the waist and picked him up, spinning him around. He shouted in surprise before grabbing his arms and laughing.

The human set him down before pulling him into a hug. "You're the best, Virgil! Thank you so much for all of this!"

Virgil blushed bright red and tried to hide his face against Roman as he hugged back. "Y-yeah, no problem."

Roman pulled away and ran over to the kitchen, grabbing some food. Virgil heard Patton giggle and turned to glare at him, slouching to make himself smaller. Of course, Patton only laughed harder.

"Guess I'm not the only one with a crush on a human," he whispered so only Virgil could hear.

"Shut it," Virgil grumbled, heading towards the kitchen. He did not have a crush on Roman, that was just ridiculous. He swore to never love like that again after all.


After playing several video games together, Roman and Logan winning most, they watched some movies until Logan fell asleep, not wanting to mess up his sleep schedule. Patton kept Roman from writing on him, scolding him as Virgil tried to keep his laughs quiet.

Then they turned off the movies and started quietly playing party games. They've played never have I ever, card games, and now truth and dare.

"Okay okay," Roman laughed, trying to calm them down as they all tried to laugh as quietly as possible. "Virgil, truth or dare?"

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