Chapter 28: No One Can Keep Virgil's Secrets Apparently

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Virgil waited across the street of the theater Roman was in, standing at the edge of the building he was on. He had the callback a few days ago and got the role as Beast, and Virgil had been so happy for him. Now he has rehearsal twice a week, the show was in four months.

It was getting late so Roman should be leaving soon. Luckily the rehearsal gave Virgil plenty of time to go after phantoms and help souls cross over. He's had less time to do so, especially since he's been tied to Roman lately. Maybe he'll have Roman fight some phantoms tonight, that way he can get some more work done.

Originally Virgil had planned to train Roman until he was sure that he would be fine on his own, but at this point Virgil didn't see him leaving the human any time soon. Maybe spending a few decades with him won't be so bad, and who knows, maybe Roman will want to be a reaper like his brother!

The idea made Virgil smile. He hoped he would want to become a reaper, if only for a little while too. It would be nice to spend more time with him, even as just friends.

He thought about the talk he had with Sal a few nights ago. She had asked, "Don't you love him?" Virgil didn't know who she was talking about, Roman or Romulus. He had loved Romulus so dearly, but he doesn't feel the same way about Roman, does he? Not that it matters of course, he had sworn to never be with anyone ever again. He doesn't know if the rules of the River Styx apply to him anymore and doesn't want to find out.

He wondered briefly if he regretted making that oath. He didn't need a relationship, he knew that, but what if he wants one? What if he wants one with Roman? No, it was ridiculous, there was no way it was going to happen. These feelings he has for the human were small, they would go away soon enough.

"Whatcha doing here?" a nasally voice asked and Virgil turned to see Remus and Janus.

"Waiting for Roman, he's at a rehearsal right now," Virgil explained.

"Ooh, what are they doing this year?" Remus sat down on the ledge of the building.

"Beauty and the Beast." The purple reaper shrugged slightly.

"Good old stockholm syndrome, a classic. I remember being forced to play a townsperson in the children's version, Roman got Lumiere. Who's he playing now?"

"Beast apparently."

"Haha! His gay ass has to kiss a woman!" Remus laughed, swinging his legs slightly. Virgil rolled his eyes, hating that familiar jealous feeling in his chest. He knew Roman was going to have to kiss someone, but he's still as gay as they come. "He'll probably do that thumb trick though."

"Thumb trick?"

"He puts his thumb on the other person's lips as he puts his hands on their cheeks so they're not really kissing. It's all about the angles!"

That made Virgil's chest feel lighter. Gods dammit all! He only has small feelings for the human, small feelings! "That's smart."

"Looks like it's a relief to you," Janus said, elbowing him slightly. "What's up with that?"

"Nothing. I just didn't want Roman to be uncomfortable with kissing someone he didn't want to." That was a quick lie, it was a good thing he's learned to lie quickly and smoothly like that. Most of the time anyway.

"Hm... Sal told me what happened."

"What?" Virgil snapped his head to look at the yellow reaper.

"Wasn't her fault. We were on a phone call and I could tell something was off. I pressured her into telling me what it was. If I had known what it was about, I wouldn't have done so."

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