Chapter 54: What the Heck Just Happened?

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CW: injuries, trouble breathing, damaged lungs

Roman sat on the couch, his gladius and dagger next to him as he folded his hands together. His elbows were on his knees as he sat forward, watching the small orb of light that was hovering just a couple of inches from the glass coffee table. He was still out of his body, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to go back in.

"You know, even if he did come back now he'd end up landing on the coffee table and probably get hurt again," Remus pointed out.

The human- red reaper? Quickly reached forward and picked up the ball of light, setting it down on the couch next to him.

Janus sighed and reminded him, "He's not going to wake up for a few days."

"I don't want him to get hurt!" Roman argued. "Phantoms have gotten in here before! He could be attacked like this! You said it yourself, he's vulnerable right now."

"He's going to be fine," Remus said, picking up Roman's gladius and dagger so he could sit down next to him.

"This isn't the first time he's had to revert into this form," Janus added.

Roman frowned. "Was the first time when he was attacked by that class eight?"

The yellow reaper tensed up. "How did you know about that?"

"Virgil told me about it. He said that the injury was bad enough to put him out of commission."

"I still can't believe Virgil never told you about this, it's kinda important," Remus commented.

"Well, to be fair Virgil has only been like this once. I doubt he thought that he would ever have to rest like this ever again, much less while with Roman," Janus said. "It possibly just slipped his mind, which is a bit irresponsible of him."

"I'll say, Roman was practically sent into a mental breakdown."

"Don't blame him!" Roman told them. "It-it was my fault he got hurt anyway. I tried to distract the phantom from him and he cut off it's arm. He couldn't move fast enough to get away."

"We weren't blaming him," Janus softly said. "And I doubt that it was really your fault. I'm sure Virgil would agree."

"If he was even awake right now."

Remus frowned and looked between the two, hating the tone Roman used. He was being hard on himself, that wasn't fair. The green reaper looked at the gladius again and said, "Why don't we talk about this? It's more important right now."

"I don't even want to start processing that until Virgil wakes up."

"Dude, you're a living reaper! That's a really big deal!"

"Wait, are you still alive?" Janus asked with slight panic in his voice. Oh god, if Virgil wakes up and finds out Roman is dead he would freak out, which is an understatement.

Roman hardly blinked and his spirit cord appeared. The red string trailed all the way back to his room where his body lays. "I can still feel it when it's hidden, even if it can't be touched. Trust me, if I die while in this form I'll know."

"Let's hope that never happens and that you die of natural causes."

"Again, that won't happen for a few decades! I get that you guys deal with death every day, but I'm not going to die any time soon!"

"You never know!" Remus reminded him. "I died just last year! Could happen to you!"

"Don't even joke about that, I've already sworn off of going to bars because of it. Well, after the last time I went."

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