Chapter 57: Gotta Have Some Prinxiety Fluff

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"Roman," Virgil told him, "you need to let me go."

"No," he pouted. He was still clinging onto Virgil, even though Sal had left a while ago. Ever since he woke up, Roman had refused to let his boyfriend go.

"I need to move around, I've been stuck as an orb for days." The purple reaper tried to squirm out of Roman's grip.

""No, I want to hold you! It's been too long!" Roman held on tighter, trying to push Virgil down on the couch.

"Okay." Virgil picked him up bridal style, finally standing up from the couch. "There, now I'm holding you, and you're holding onto me."

Roman kissed him on the cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"I'm sorry you got hurt because of me."

Virgil faltered, his smile falling into a confused frown. "You think I got hurt because of you?"

"You had to save me, and the phantom caught you because of it." Roman looked away from Virgil. "I should have trusted that you would have been fine."

"Ro... that's not true. I was having trouble keeping away from the phantom anyway, if you weren't there then I probably wouldn't have survived."

"You were still hurt really bad." Roman leaned his head against Virgil's shoulder.

"Better hurt than dead, and I didn't lose any limbs so I was able to heal all the way. I'm fine!"

"Wait, we can lose limbs while in the spirit world? Can they grow back?"


"So if you're missing a limb while alive, do you have the limb when you die?"

"No. But moving on from that, we need to talk about something else. You have a sword, I saw it during the fight. And I remember you saying something about it the first time I woke up. Care to explain?"

"Oh uh... I'm apparently a living reaper?"

Virgil almost dropped him and Roman' held on tighter at the sudden movement. "Wait, what?"

Roman squirmed out of his hold, feeling more safe standing up and holding Virgil's hands."I don't know, Janus said that's what it meant. I really don't know how it's even possible, but so far I can do everything you guys can. I have a gladius and I can send it and other things in my own dimension pocket... actually that's all I know I can do."

"But... reapers are supposed to be dead..." Virgil frowned in confusion. "How is this even possible?"

"Janus said he needed to talk to Death about it, but he hasn't gotten back to me about it yet."

Virgil chewed his lip before asking, "Can I see the sword?"

Roman pulled one of his hands away and tried to summon his sword. It took a few tries, but eventually he had the gladius in hand. Virgil's eyes widened at the sight of it, gently taking it from Roman to get a better look.

"Well... guess this proves it. You're a roman at heart."

"Also by name."

"Shut up." Virgil hit Roman's arm with his elbow, though he still had a smile on his face as he continued to look at the sword. "I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about this."

"What do you mean?" Roman set his hand on Virgil's arm.

"I mean... it's really confusing that you're a reaper and all, kinda concerning too. But... you're a reaper." Virgil smiled up at him, tears starting to gather in his eyes. "You're actually a reaper!"

Roman softened before pulling him into a hug. "I already promised you that I wasn't leaving."

"I know... But can you blame me for having trust issues?"

"Of course not, dear." He placed a kiss on Virgil's head. "I'll gladly remind you every day that I'm not leaving, even if it'll only help a little bit."

Virgil pulled away just enough to look at Roman. "Kiss?"

Roman quickly closed the gap between them and pressed his lips against Virgil's, holding him tighter. They stayed together in a passionate kiss till Roman pulled away for air, making the purple reaper whine. Both of their faces were flushed.

"I know we technically don't need to breathe in the spirit world, but it does feel uncomfortable," Roman laughed slightly.

"Thank you anyway." Virgil leaned his head against Roman's chest.

"Don't mention it." He ran a hand through Virgil's hair before changing the subject. "Oh right, you have a new weapon too."

"Oh shit, that's right." The purple reaper pulled away from the hug so he could summon them. "They're sickles."

"They're also connected together." Roman pulled on the chain lightly, making a rattling noise.

"Well there goes my stealth." Virgil backed away from Roman, grabbing the chain as he swung the left sickle in his hand. "I'm going to have to learn how to fight with these. That kinda sucks, but they are cool."

"We can go hunting! That way I can practice with my gladius against an actual opponent and not Sal."

"You've been training?" Roman nodded, glad to see the smile on Virgil's face. "Good, that makes me happy to hear. How long have you been out of your body?"

"Only an hour or so today."

Virgil clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth in thought. "Guess that's not too bad, you can last long out of your body now. Okay, guess we can go. Only if we're careful, I don't want a repeat of last time."

"Trust me, neither do I." Roman took his hand. "Now let's go!"

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