Chapter 22: Virgil's Worst Nightmare, Sal and Roman Meeting

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"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Virgil asked Roman as he grabbed his keys. "I really don't think you should be going to work today."

"Are you sure you just don't want to finish the rest of the Disney movies?" Roman teased, grabbing his jacket. Virgil rolled his eyes with a slight huff. "Yes, I'm sure I'm okay. Besides, it's too late to call in sick, I doubt my manager would appreciate it."

"What an asshole of a manager," Virgil growled slightly. "You've had like three hours of sleep, you're going to end up passing out."

Roman shrugged before pulling his jacket on. "I've had worse. I'll just stop by Starbucks or something and get some coffee to keep me awake. I should be able to last the day."

"I... really hate that mindset."

"Says the reaper that doesn't sleep until the very last minute," Roman yawned.

"Blame my anxiety. You wouldn't be able to sleep if you weren't safe either. You forget, you might be a phantom magnet but they wouldn't mind eating a powerful reaper while they're vulnerable."

"Like you would let them do that, you had a friend watch over you. I promise you that I'll be fine, I just have to drive to work and stay awake the rest of the day. Then I'll drive home and take a nap or something. Plus, I have tomorrow off so I'll rest then."

"What do you have planned for tomorrow."

Roman smiled brightly despite having dark circles under his eyes. "I'm going to an audition!"

"Wait, for real? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I guess I forgot, which is unfortunate but I still remember the song I'm going to sing there! I failed my last audition, so I'm going to do my best in this one! I only remembered that I have an audition because my boss reminded me of my leave."

"I mean, congrats I guess. But you'll only be able to go to the audition if you're alive, and driving in your condition isn't safe. If you get into a car crash, I cannot guarantee you'll survive it."

"What, would you like to drive for me?"

"Again, I don't know how to drive. But..." Virgil sighed heavily. "I know someone who does."


"How fast will your friend be able to get here?" Roman asked, walking to his car as he unlocked it. "I really don't want to be late to work either."

"She's pretty fast, she should be here soon," Virgil said. "Or have you forgotten that we reapers can run faster than your cars?"

"Virgil!" someone called. Roman saw a girl with pink hair pounce on the purple reaper who shouted in surprise.

"Sal!" he exclaimed, trying not to fall over as she wrapped her arms and legs around from behind him. "Can you maybe not?"

"Ooh, someone's grumpy as always. I'm just so happy that you needed my help. And that I finally get to meet your friend! So this is the mystery man I've heard oh so little about?" She turned to Roman and held her hand out. "Hi! I'm Sal!"

"I'm Roman," he replied, reaching out to shake her hand only for it to go right through. "Oh right, I keep forgetting."

Sal laughed as she jumped off of Virgil's back, who fixed his cloak. "That's alright! I can just-" She spun around as she crossed the veil. Her curly hair turned light brown and her eyes green. "Ta-da!"

"Virgil, I am hurt that you never introduced us! I already love her!" Roman said, giving Sal a hug who hugged him right back. "She reminds me a lot of Patton!"

"I guess I can see that. But I didn't introduce her to you because I was afraid of what chaos you two would do together," Virgil reminded him. "You both have too much energy for me, I can't handle the both of you at once."

"You're so mean, Virge," Sal pouted. "But it looks like you were backed into a corner on this one! I'm so glad I got that drivers license!" She pulled away from Roman and bowed with grace. "Allow me to be your chauffeur, monsieur."

Roman smiled wide before dropping into an act, bowing slightly. "Of course, madam," he replied.

Virgil groaned, "Ugh I hate you both."

"You love us." Roman looked up from his bow, sending him a wink. Virgil scoffed with a slight laugh.

"I still hate that you have that drivers license, Sal, you're going to get hurt."

"He's so anxious all of the time," Sal told Roman, making him laugh. "Welp! Just tell me where to drive and I'll get you there safely while you get some rest! And while you're at it, why don't you give me your number so we can become friends and annoy Virgil together?"

Roman nodded as he gasped in joy. "Just give me your phone and I'll do it!"

"See Virgy!" Sal handed Roman her phone. "Ro and I will become best friends! And there ain't nothing you can do about it!"

"I regret this already," Virgil sighed. "I'm following on foot. I'll keep any phantoms away so you don't have to worry about them."

"Okey-dokey, bro-bro!" Sal giggled, getting her phone back from Roman. She held out her hand. "Keys please!"

Roman gave her his keys and she jumped into the driver's seat. He started walking to the passenger seat as the car turned on, asking Virgil, "She's you're sister? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Oh no," Virgil laughed slightly. "She's not really my sister. She's a lot like a sister, but we're from different centuries so we're not biological in any way, thank the gods for that."

"That's a bit rude, I think she would have made an amazing sister." Roman frowned.

"I didn't mean it that way, what I meant is that it spared her living a life with my family. Well, mom really. Not that her life wasn't hard for a woman living in the past, but if she lived with me, well, it would have been far worse. If she even survived."

"That... is even more worrying."

Virgil shrugged. "Don't worry about it, it's not like it's going to affect you. You should get going before you're late though." Roman nodded, though he had a concerned look in his eyes. He climbed into the car as Virgil walked over to the driver's side. "Hey Sal, don't keep him up talking the whole ride there. Let him get some rest if he can."

"Will do! Just keep those pesky phantoms away, and I'll get him to his work safely!" she promised.

Virgil nodded before turning to leave, Roman waving him goodbye. The human sighed as he leaned back, happy to finally get some sleep. It was going to be a long day. But before he could fall asleep, he just had to ask Sal something.

"Has Virgil ever told you about his past? When he was alive?" he asked.

"Hm... yeah. Janus and I are the only ones who know who he was. Except for Death that is, but still," she explained. "Don't feel bad if he never tells you though, he never planned on telling Jan and I. We only know because he needed a shoulder to lean on during some hard times."

Roman smiled at her. "I'm glad he has some friends who can take care of him."

Sal laughed lightly. "Yeah, me too. I just wished he would ask for help more."

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