Chapter 19: Oh... That's Who the Wind Spirit is!

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Roman pulled into the parking lot before getting out of the car, Virgil following his lead. He closed the car door and saw Romans friends coming over, the wind spirit almost running.

"Roman!" the wind spirit shouted, pulling him into a hug. He must have had the same idea as Roman since he wore a beige skirt and a light blue shirt with small white flower designs. His brown hair was fluffy and reminded Virgil of clouds.

Roman's other friend wore a dress shirt and tie. He had normal jeans on and a black belt, and for a moment Virgil thought he had a chain but realized that it went in his pocket so it was probably a pocket watch. The reaper wondered if he had that for the scholar aesthetic. His black hair was combed back, but a few strands fell in front of his forehead giving him a super man feel.

"Patton! How's my adorable puff ball!" Roman returned the hug to the winter spirit, picking him up slightly.

"I'm good! What about you?"

"Still feeling fine." Roman set him down and turned to Logan. "Hey Logan, I told you I would find a roommate!" He grabbed Virgil and pulled him closer. "His name is Virgil! Virgil, this is Logan and Patton."

Virgil gave a small wave, trying to give a kind smile since Patton tensed up the moment he saw him. He couldn't blame the wind spirit, most reapers didn't like nature spirits who were so strong.

"Greetings," Logan said. "I'm glad to see you're actually real, and not someone Roman made up just to get out of getting a new roommate."

"Y-yeah, I'm real," Virgil replied, trying to shrink back. He hated being the center of attention.

"I wouldn't lie about that!" Roman told Logan. "Now, let's go get some ice cream." He pulled Virgil along and the other two trailed behind, Patton almost hiding behind Logan.

Logan gave him a concerned look, but Patton just smiled at him, calming him down. Patton had a feeling something was going to go wrong.

The bell above the door rang as Roman opened the door, pulling Virgil over to a booth next to the window.

"Okay, so they have a bunch of flavors up there," Roman pointed to the menu over the counter. "I'll order, just tell me what you want."

"Why don't I order since you have to pay when you do so?" Logan offered.

"Oh, okay then," Roman agreed. It was probably better that way, since Virgil might be uncomfortable with just the other two. "Then I'll have... uh, a strawberry deluxe. I'll pay you back."

"Nonsense, there's no need to do that. Patton?"

"Oh, uh just some cookies and cream, in a sugar cone please?" Patton replied, playing with the edge of his skirt.

"Would you like any toppings with that?"

"Um... maybe some chocolate syrup and rainbow sprinkles?"

"Very well then. And what about you, Virgil?"

The reaper jumped slightly, having been trying to read what they had. "Oh um... I'm not entirely sure. Uh... do any of you have any recommendations?"

"Ooh, are you a chocolate guy?" Roman asked.

"Sure...?" Virgil hesitantly answered. In all honesty, he didn't have much of a preference. But that was probably because he hasn't tried many modern foods, only occasionally.

"Then why don't you try a triple chocolate? It's really good, they put brownie pieces in it!"

"Alright then, I'll go with that. I guess just put it in a cup, no toppings."

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