Chapter 59: A Friendly Favor... How Did it Get So Bad?

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CW: blood, infections, character death, a detailed panic attack and spiraling thoughts (this one's bad, just be warned)

"I'm so screwed," Roman groaned, rubbing his face. He was laying on the couch, Virgil was sitting on the back of the couch above him.

"That wasn't even a good job anyway, you'll be able to find a better one!" Virgil encouraged. "Or maybe you don't even need a job! You have me, I have unlimited money, so I can take care of you!"

"That's sweet, but I want to be independent. Of course I got fired! Skipping too many days, being 'unreliable.' This sucks!"

"Maybe I can talk to Death, get you your own card. After all, you're a reaper now."

"I'm still living though, I'm basically just a part time reaper."

"Okay, but you'll still be able to get some money while you're looking for a day job! I'm sure you'll find something, maybe even something better! And until then, I'll help out with most of the money."

Roman sighed and gave Virgil a smile. "Thanks, love."

"Anything for you, lollipop. Oh! I heard that Janus is at a meeting with Death today, maybe he'll come back with good news!"

"Yay! Finally!" Roman sat up. "Maybe we'll finally get another reaper to help out in the city, or-"

He was cut off by Virgil's phone. The purple reaper pulled it out to see Sal's name and a photo of her, she was grabbing Virgil by the neck with her arm for a selfie. Virgil frowned in worry, "She's supposed to be tailing Ren today." He quickly answered it, "Sal-?"

"Help," Sal pleaded, out of breath. "I-I need help!"

Virgil jumped off of the couch. "Where are you?"

"I d- West Newberry Road! Ren she- Ah!"

"What happened? Sal!"

Virgil heard her growl in pain. "Fucking phantom bit me! I can't- Hurry!"

"Roman, you stay here."

"What's going on?" Roman asked.

"Sal's in trouble. Hold on, Sal, I'm coming!"


Virgil looked around for any sign of Sal, she had dropped her phone not long ago. But judging by the gunshots and shouting Virgil heard on the phone, she didn't move too far after that.

Not too long, he heard gunshots coming from somewhere other than the phone and immediately went there. It didn't take long to find her and the hoard of phantoms that surrounded her. She was backed into a dead end alley, no longer able to stand, a hole in her leg dripping golden blood. Virgil could barely see her from the hoard, but he could make out several injuries, colored by infection.

He summoned his sickles and threw one at the hoard, grabbing two phantoms with the chain before the sickle sliced into them. Several more turned to him and he fought them off as best as he could, trying to keep the pressure on himself. He did his best to pull them away, but Sal was still being attacked. It took longer than he wanted to get rid of them all, and by the time he was finished Sal was curled up on the ground groaning in pain.

He sent his sickles away as he rushed to her side, pulling out some medicine. "Hold on, Sal, you're going to be okay!"

"I-I..." she tried to say, but ended up whining at the pain the infections gave her. She was covered in them, if Virgil didn't act soon then she'll...

There was no time, there was too much to heal. She was either going to turn or she had to... "Sal, you need to cross over!" Virgil had tears in his eyes.

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