Chapter 39: Wait a Moment- I Said Wait!!!

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Roman found himself walking through Elysium, a strange dread in his chest. It was finally time, he had to do this. It will hurt, but there's a small possibility that it'll be worth it. That was better than only seeing Virgil once every ten years.

He didn't know if he would be able to explain it all to Virgil though. He didn't want to second guess it again, he's been debating it for so long. It had to work, it just had to.

Soon his love will meet up with him again. He just had to wait a little longer. May the three fates treat him kindly. Once he's out, Virgil won't be taken away from him again.

"Romulus!" a voice called, one that filled Romulus with joy and love. He smiled, though it was a sad one.

"Virgil!" he greeted as he turned to face him. The legionary... the reaper jumped into his arms and pulled him into a tight hug. Romulus will admit, the purple hair and eyes looked beautiful on him. He was like a god, a wonderful deity.

"Gods, it's been too long since I've seen you." Virgil pressed his face against Romulus's chest, nuzzling closer.

"I thank them every time you visit." Romulus pulled away and led Virgil to their usual spot. A marble bench under a large olive tree. "How have you been? I hope your new job hasn't been too hard."

"Trust me, it'll never be as hard as it was a few decades ago when the world was plunged into war. Plus I'm going back to Rome after my break! I can see what our old home looks like now."

"I'm sure it's as great as it was when we were alive! If not, then that is no longer our Rome."

Virgil laughed, his hair sparkling. Oh... this was going to be hard.

"I do miss it sometimes. I wonder what we would have done if we lived till the end of the war."

"I'm only sorry that I didn't win the war for you." Romulus carefully grabbed Virgil's chin so they could stare into each other's eyes. "And that we didn't get to die together. If we had, then perhaps I would have become a reaper alongside you."

"You have no idea how much I wish I had been the one to be there when you died. Then maybe you would have become one alongside me."

"Yes, maybe." Romulus sighed, taking Virgil's hand. "Virgil... This is going to be hard for me to say... but I want to reincarnate."

Virgil frowned, and Romulus felt him tense up. "What?"

"I want to live again, be born again. I feel like it's time." It hurt to say, how could he even begin to explain why he wants this. He hated that the stars in Virgil's hair started to dim out.

"Wh-why? There's no way you'll make it back to Elysium! No one believes in the roman gods anymore!"

"Please try to understand, there's nothing for me here-"

Virgil pulled away from him and stood up. "I'm here!" No, that's not what he meant. "I've been here for thousands of years! I get it, I know I've been busy, but-" Tears started to gather in his eyes as he ran his hand through his hair. "But I'm still here! We can still see each other! Now more than ever!"

"Virgil-" He had to get him to understand, he needed to explain better.

"No! I just... Why do... Was it me? Did I do something wrong?"

Romulus stood up instantly at that, trying to walk closer to him, but Virgil turned away from him and hugged himself. He had to explain. "No, of course not! You never did anything wrong, if anything you've been amazing! But I've been here for almost two thousand years now, I want something new! Something different." And perhaps something old and familiar.

Virgil didn't turn back to him, curling in on himself slightly. "I'm sorry that I can't be that something then." And then he was gone. He had disappeared.

Romulus sighed, wishing he could explain it better. But he knew he needed to get moving soon, because if he doesn't he'll never leave. "I hope I will see you in the next life. May we meet again, and this time, may I stay by your side."

Everything turned white and there was a slight ringing. Everything was slow and sluggish again as Roman woke up. He was on his couch, he didn't have the energy to reach his bed last night.

He frowned when he finally thought about his dreams again. Romulus left Elysium... to follow Virgil? That was his goal all along?


Roman ran his hand through his hair as he left his apartment, changing his grip on his car keys to unlock the car. He saw a figure jump down from a large height and hoped against all else that it was Virgil, but it turned out to be Sal. He scolded himself for the thought, but waved at her.

"How have you been holding up?" she asked.

"I'm fine," Roman lied, unlocking his car and putting his things in. "I'm doing better."

"Okay, dude, you did a shit job on your makeup and even if you didn't, I can see the bags under your eyes."

Roman sighed, leaning against his car. "Okay, so it took awhile for me to fall asleep. That's fine, I'm fine."

"Do you need me to drive?"

"No, I have it. I'm not about to pass out, I promise."

Sal folded her arms but relented. "Alright, if you say so."

Roman hesitated for a moment but asked with a quiet voice, "Nothing from Virgil?"

The reaper tensed, looking away. "No, not yet."

"Yeah... thought so." Roman climbed into his car, but rolled his window down. "Thank you anyway."

"Of-" Sal was cut off when her phone made a loud alarm. Her face fell and she instantly looked at it, unlocking it and checking something.

"What is it?" Roman asked, concern building up in his chest.

"A class four phantom, looks like Janus and Remus are already heading to it. I-I should give them back up, do you have your dagger?"

"Yeah," Roman pulled it out. "I'll be fine, go help them!"

"Right." Sal nodded. She was only able to take one step before the same alarm went off again, making her freeze. She frowned and looked at her phone again. "Another one... oh god... it's coming this way."

Roman made sure his car was in park before stepping out of his body. He looked over at the phone to see a large red dot coming closer to them, only a block away and moving fast.

Sal let go of her phone, letting it disappear before summoning her guns. "You stay here, get back inside your body."

"There's no way I'm letting you face that on your own! Virgil told me about them! I can't let you fight by yourself."

Sal growled. "Fine, but only if you're fighting defensively. Are you good with guns?"

"I uh..."

"Nevermind. Just stay close."

There was a loud roar and Roman looked up to see a blue phantom on the roof of the apartment complex. It was giant, it had large hands that luckily didn't have claws, it didn't really have a neck, instead it had a giant mouth and three large red eyes. It's teeth were sharp and it had pink saliva dripping down it's lips. This... was going to be a tough fight.

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