Chapter 10: Death is a Dork

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Virgil checked the time on his phone once again, having gotten to Death's office early. He waited outside the giant mahogany doors, feeling intimidated by them as always.

He glanced nervously down the hall, seeing other rooms that were reserved for reapers. Some reapers prefer to sleep here, while others don't mind resting on Earth. Other times, when they're injured and need to rest, they have sanctuary here where phantoms can't reach them, which is why many reapers call it Home. This place could be considered the first afterlife, since outside of the building the first billion souls before religion roamed about.

The afterlifes are the only place reapers can actually teleport to, then they can teleport anywhere they want onto Earth. Once there, they have to travel on foot, or cross the veil and use human transports. Luckily, they have heightened strength and can move faster than any living human could dream.

Virgil wondered what Death would look like this time, since they look different every time he visited, having control over their appearance. Sometimes they appeared masculine, other times feminine, but they preferred to look androgynous, being agender, hence the neutral pronouns. Sometimes they're as small as a mouse, other times they're as giant as a giraffe, which is why their doors tower over everyone.

Of course, they weren't the only one that has control over their appearance. There is Death, and there is Life. As far as Virgil knows, they are the true gods, Death in charge of the afterlife and Life in charge of the living. Life uses all pronouns, the exact opposite of Death. The two of them were good friends, though Virgil has never seen Life himself.

Virgil jumped when an alarm on his phone went off, quickly turning it off. It was 3:00, time for his appointment. He took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

He instantly spotted Death, their back was turned to Virgil as they put a book back on a high shelf, standing 12 feet tall. They wore their long black cloak, and their hand seemed a light blue.

They turned to Virgil as the door closed shut, their hair green and curly with dark blue freckles dotting their face. Their eyes were orange, and Virgil wasn't quite sure what to make of their appearance, as usual.

They smiled wide upon seeing the purple reaper. "Virgil!" they greeted, opening their arms wide in a welcoming gesture.

"Death," Virgil said as formally as he could, bowing slightly.

"Oh stop that, you know you don't need to be formal with me! What do you think of my look for today?" Death twirled around slightly, making the black cloak billow out. "Do you think Life would like it?"

"Uh... yes? I mean- she likes you despite no matter how you look." Virgil rubbed the back of his neck, not sure how to talk to Death despite how long he had worked for them.

"I suppose you're right! I've just been trying out new things. So!" They clapped their hands together, making Virgil jump at how loud it was. "Onto the reason for this meeting! Take a seat!"

Death moved behind a desk, shrinking themself so they were more... human size. Virgil sat in a chair across from them, starting to play with the edge of his own cloak.

He always felt awkward around them, never knowing how to act. When Virgil was alive, he had been used to tough authority, always strict with no hesitation to give punishment for any kind of disrespect. That's just how it was, except with one person of course.

Still, when Virgil died and learned about reapers, and learned that he could become one, he excepted Death to be just as strict as his old leaders. But Death was nothing like that, they're silly and loose. Though, they still give punishment, but it was always justified and never for disrespect. Virgil wished they did sometimes, considering how some reapers talk about them, they're too forgiving.

"So, there's a human that knows about your existence?" Death asked, folding their hands on the desk.

"Uh, well, it's a really long story," Virgil tried to explain, feeling his anxiety get worse. Was he going to get in trouble for what happened? Whatever it was that happened?

"It's okay, just take your time. Tell me the whole story, please?" They gave Virgil the softest smile they could, trying to calm him down.

Virgil sighed, lessening the pressure that was building in his chest. "Okay." And so he told them everything, starting from the car crash and the phantom attack. He explained what Roman's soul looked like, and the promise he made with him.

When he was done, Death sat back in their seat and held their hands together in front of their mouth as they thought.

"Now... I don't believe I've ever actually heard about fixing the veil for someone. I don't know if it can be done," Death admitted.

"It has to be! I gave him my word, you know how much that means to me," Virgil begged. His hair seemed to become darker, the star like dots in his hair getting dimmer. This whole situation was upsetting him.

Death put their hands on his, their cold skin grounding him before he could begin to spiral. "I know, I promise you that I do. But... Roman was his name?" Virgil nodded. "Roman seems... different. If his hair and eyes changed color, then he has to have a strong spirit, he's probably a soul that has been reincarnated, maybe more than once." The purple reaper tensed slightly. "I suggest that he explores astral projection. We might not be able to do what he wants but we can make sure he's safe. Teach him to defend himself from phantoms. Here-" Death opened a drawer and pulled something out. It was a dagger made from bone, what kind of animal Virgil couldn't tell but the handle was carved with lots of detail and runes, the blade was wrapped in a cloth. "This is what the first few reapers used as weapons before they were able to develop their own. Give this to him and teach him to fight, I trust him in your hands."

Virgil carefully took the dagger in his hands, scared he was going to break it. "So... I can't help him?"

"You can't fix the veil, but you can help him. He's your responsibility now." Death tried to give him a warm smile.

Virgil's shoulders dropped. "Okay, I'll-I'll do my best."

"It's been quite a few centuries since you've taught anyone to fight, huh? My favorite legionary!"

"I'm your only legionary left, everyone else either faded or left to go to their afterlife."

"Well, most reapers only stick around for a thousand years. When do you think you'll go to your afterlife?"

"You and I both know where I'm going if I retire. Besides, even if I could go to Elysium, there's nothing there for me anymore."

Death sighed, sitting back. "I suppose that last bit is true. Why don't you sleep for a bit here before you return to Earth, I can see you're tired."

"Thank you." Virgil looked down at the blade in his hand.

"None of this is your fault, and this hasn't happened before. There have been plenty of cases where humans can see past the veil after a near death experience! These things happen. All you can do now is make sure this human is safe, protect him from phantoms until his death. You're one of my strongest, so I know you can do it."

Virgil's hair turned a shade lighter. "I'll try, no promises though."

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