Chapter 48: Ooh Ren's Going to Get It Now

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Ren shot at a phantom, hitting it in the head before it could even sense her presence. She stood under the street light, letting the yellow light bathe her in the dark as someone appeared behind her.

"Ren," Virgil growled, walking closer to her. He didn't even bother to hide his anger.

The white reaper sent her bow away before turning to him. "What is it?"

"Why did I get a call from my friends telling me that you not only trespassed into their home, but tried to interrogate them asking questions about me? If you have something you want to say to me, come to me directly. I told you to leave alone."

Ren scoffed a laugh, making Virgil's glare turn sharper. "You? Friends with a nature spirit and human? That's hard to believe. Then again, you are living with a human for some reason."

Virgil squeezed his fists hard enough for his nails to dig into his palms. "I told you to stay away from them."

"You only told me not to hurt the wind spirit, and I didn't even touch him. Is it so wrong of me to ask a couple of questions."

"Fine, let me put it this way." Virgil summoned his scythe. "I don't care about you bickering with me, I don't care about you trying to degrade me, I don't even care about you having a problem with me. But if you bother my friends again, if you go anywhere near them, then I will end you."

"I can see you do care about them a great deal, since you've never had the guts to threaten anyone like that before. Still, I highly doubt that you would do such a thing, you wouldn't ever want to disappoint Death."

"Fucking try me, I dare you. If you have a question about me, then you come to me, though you won't get much information."

"The questions weren't even about you, they were about the human that you live with. I just wanted to know his name, and why he seems so important to you."

"Why do you care?"

"Why don't you want me to know?" Virgil continued to glare at her, both fire and ice in his eyes. "Fine, then I'll just ask him myself-"

"You are not to talk to him! You stay away from him, or I'll give you a reason to hate me!"

Ren smiled. "Well, that answers one of my questions. He's special to you, isn't he? Perhaps you've finally found a replacement for that princep that left you."

"He's not a replacement, he's a different person entirely. And if you touch him, I'll rip off your fucking arms. You stay away from him, and you stay away from Logan and Patton. If I hear that you go anywhere near the three, then you'll surely regret it."

"Don't worry, I wouldn't dare hurt them. However... there's three of them and only one of you. There's been a major increase of phantoms lately, I wonder if you'll be able to protect the ones you love." Virgil jumped forward and swung his scythe at Ren, but she jumped back in time as the blade of his scythe hit the asphalt. She laughed slightly, "Wow! You weren't joking when you threatened me! Don't worry, I'm just teasing you, I don't hurt humans and I won't touch a hair on the wind spirit's head."

"You better not!" Virgil threatened. "I'll find out if you do!"

"Good bye for now, I hope to see you as little as possible." Ren turned away and left, leaving Virgil's sight in just seconds.

He growled in anger before sending his scythe away. He thought about the way Ren had phrased what she said about the increase of phantoms. She had to be the one who was summoning them.

Virgil's side burned just thinking about it. He was glad Roman was asleep, and actually sleeping in his body. He had promised him not to do anything crazy when Logan first called, but left the moment he was able to. There was no way he was going to let Ren get away with what she did.


Virgil snuck back into the apartment as quietly as he could. It was five in the morning, and he was only returning so late because he decided to blow off some steam by hunting phantoms.

He expected Roman to be asleep, but as climbed through the window he heard a familiar voice clear their throat.

"Gah! What are you doing up?" Virgil asked as he jumped, almost falling out of the window.

Roman stood in the living room with his arms crossed. He wasn't really up, his body was still sleeping. His hair and eyes were a cherry red, so he was clearly out of it.

"What were you doing out there with your injuries?" he asked.

"I'm mostly healed, I only have scabs left on my leg!"

"And your side?" Roman raised his eyebrows.

Virgil finished climbing out of the window. "Doing just fine, thank you very much."

"Vee... I told you not to do anything hasty," Roman softened.

"I was just hunting some phantoms! Nothing too big of course, the smaller phantoms still need to be taken care of before they could turn into anything big."

"I know you went to talk to Ren. I told you to rest for the night before you do that."

"I don't need to be babied, I'm fine. You know how strong I am."

"I do, but I don't want you to push yourself to your limit. What if you had been attacked by a hoard of phantoms? What if another class four phantom appeared and you had to fight alone again?"

"Then I would fight alone again. There's no way I could let a class four run rampant, whether I'm injured or not. I know you're just worried, but I know my limits better than you do."

Roman sighed, hugging himself. "I know... I just... It was scary to see you injured as badly as you were. I hadn't seen you injured before."

Virgil's shoulders dropped and he walked closer to Roman. "I have ways to heal myself if I'm ever injured badly, I promise I'll be alright. Only once have I ever been injured badly enough to be out of commission, and that was with the class eight phantom. It takes a class four to put even scratch on me."

"It's still one big scratch."

"One that heals in just a few days. I'm okay."

"If Ren is really the one that is summoning these phantoms, then I already hate her guts, and I haven't even met her."

"And I hope you never do, otherwise I'll have to keep my promise to her. And if I have to do that, then I'll no longer be one of Death's favorites."

"Virgil..." Roman whined.

"Hey, she knows I wasn't bluffing. I gave her a warning, if she still decides to mess with you or Logan and Patton then what happens is her fault."

Roman sighed as he took Virgil's hand, letting his head fall on the reaper's shoulder. "Don't do anything stupid, please."

"You know I wouldn't, I don't want to be sent to the ocean and miss you turning into a reaper."

"I'm not going to die for another few decades."

"I don't know, you're as reckless as me, hypocrite."

"Am not!" Roman laughed slightly, raising his head.

Virgil grabbed his shoulders to pull him down just enough to kiss his nose. Roman blushed red and froze for a moment. "Are too." The purple reaper quickly pulled away and started walking off.

"Hey! You don't get to do that!"

"Just did," Virgil yawned. "It's been awhile since I've slept in my reaper form and having to heal takes energy, I'll probably take a nap next week."

"As long as you don't pass out I won't make you sleep sooner."

The purple reaper groaned, "Since when did I start allowing you to dictate my life?"

"Since you fell in love with me."

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