Ch 5: the dinner pt2

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Stephen's POV { EDITED }

"Welcome James family come right on in" he smiled. "Mr.De Luca" I said, while I nod my head.

"Follow me" he said. we walked in and he leaded us to the living room "take a seat" we all sat down, in the living room was a woman that looked about my mom age. She had blonde hair with brown eyes and a veryyyyy revealing dress on.

I wanted to gag.

"This is Tiffany my...wife" he said in a disgusting tone. I looked at Dante and mason to see them trying to hold their laugh in. I punched them on the shoulder while glaring at them.

I looked back at him "is anyone else gonna be here?" I gave him a question look.

" oh yes, my daughter went to go do something she should be back in about 10 minutes and her step sister upstairs doing god knows what" he rolled his eyes.

This guy is funny...but I'm not gonna tell him that.

" FINEEE" she whined while coming downstairs.

When she walked in my eyes widened at what she's wearing....she had on my grey hoodie that said James on the front and back.

I looked at Dante and Mason and they gave me the same look.

Kyrah might live here.

" Brittany...where'd you get your hoodie from?" I said while sitting up.

" from you remember?" she said in a seductive tone. Well she's trying I guess.

I wasn't that drunk to not remember what the hell Kyrah looks like.

"No I don't " I said with my elbows on my knees.

" you don't remember us-" she was cut off by the sound of a child running in the living room

" grandpa have you seen- what are you doing with my moms favorite hoodie Brittany?" The young boy said. He looked around 5 with grey eyes.

" shut up, this isn't your moms" Brittany snapped.

"Yes it is now give it to me so I can wash it" he said sticking his hand out. "Why do you need to wash it?" She asked rolling her eyes "because you-" he was cut off by the door being slammed opened.

"I fucking hate humans bro fucking annoying stupid little shits" I heard someone mumbled.

"ELIJAHHHH" she yelled. " in the living room" he yelled back. She walked in the living room looking good as fuck.

Keep it in your pants dude. Shut the fuck up.

she stopped dead in her tracks looking at Brittany. "Take. It .off" she said calmly.

"Or what?" Brittany smirked.

She pulled her gun out and puts it on her forehead while taking the safety off.

"Or I will pull the fucking trigger" she said calmly. Brittany whimpered "f-f-fine" she said taking the hoodie off. Kyrah snatched it out her hands.

" get the fuck out of my eye sight. you too Tiffany" she said. They both ran upstairs

"Now who is this fam- Stephen?" She said as she turned around and she locked eyes with me.

"Damn you still look the same." She said looking me up and down.

"You don't look any different either." I said looking her up and down.

"That's who you been looking for?" Her dad asked and she nods. "Well then tell-" she cuts him off  "shush." She said and he stops talking.

She looks back at me, "tell me, how far do you live from here?" She asked and I raised an eyebrow, "only 30 minutes away." I say shaking my head.

I lived only 30 minutes away from her but I've been going around the damn world to find her.

"30 MINUTES AWAY?! I wasted 5 years of my damn life looking for you, just to find out you live 30 minutes away. BULL SHIT!" She yells.

"Calm down, we both was looking for each other.  so, it could have been us both moving around." I say with a shrug.

I'll leave this right here. This is edited so imma go edit the rest bye bye and love you all.

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