Ch 39: a deal.

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Stephen POV.

I wanna beat the shit out of Cora's parents.

We are still eating in silence, Cora's dad breaks it. "I have a deal." He said to me and I look at him. "What is this deal you're talking about?" I asked crossing my arms.

"I want you to marry my daughter." I look at Kyrah. She's glaring at Cora while Cora is smirking.

"But Cora goes out with Mason. Why would she marry me when she could marry him?" I asked with my arms crossed.

"Because she wants to marry you, so I want to make a deal. You marry her and I'll give you 5 million."

I shake my head, "I already have a girlfriend and a kid. So no." He looks at me with a weird look.

"That's probably not your kid and she's probably whoring around with other men. She's a little girl...get a real woman like Cora."

I look at Mason and he looks hurt. Kyrah gets up and walks towards Mason. She whispers something in his ear and he nods. She sits back down and looks at Cora.

"No, I'm not marrying your daughter for money. Like I said, I have a girlfriend and a kid. I don't want to marry your daughter. end of discussing." I said, getting pissed.

"Stephen, why do you want THAT when you can get a real woman like me?" Cora says standing up and walking towards me.

Kyrah gets out her seat and sits in my lap. I pull her closer.

I don't want her NO WHERE NEAR ME.

She stops in her tracks and scoffs. "She probably doesn't even give it to you right." She says crossing her arms.

I look at Kyrah and she looks at me. We both laughed. "Bitches." We both say in sync then we look back at Cora.

"All of y'all get  out of my house and don't come back. Don't message Mason on some weird shit and don't call him saying you want him back. Because if you do I will find you and hurt you." I say with no emotion.

Cora looks like she wants to cry.

Fucking good.

"I thought you liked me though." She says with tears forming in her eyes.

"Girl- you was a ONE NIGHT STAND. I don't like you. Fuck I didn't even remember you until Kyrah said something about it. Now get the fuck out." I say and she gasped dramatically.

"I HATE YOU!" She yells.

I chuckle, "Well I didn't want you to like me in the first place but look where we are." I say with a shrug.

She stomps her foot and turns around, "come on mom and dad. I don't wanna be here anymore." She grabs he purse and stomps out the house with her parents following her.

She left her phone.

Kyrah gets off my lap and grabs her phone, "let's see what she's been doing." She turns her phone on and she has a password.

Kyrah looks up for a minute or 2 and looks back down in the phone. She puts in 0000 and it unlocks.

Who the fuck puts their password as 0000?

"Who the fuck puts their password as 0000" she says and goes through her messages. Well at least we was thinking the same thing.

She goes on this one message and reads them. Her eyes widen and she looks at me.

"She's working with the Americans." I grab the phone out her hand and read the text messages.

From American mafia : did you get information out of them?

From Cora: No but she said her mom is in California.

From American mafia: we will target her mom then. Did you get information out of that boy.

From Cora: No, he won't say anything.

From American mafia: Put that stuff in his food and make him tell you everything.

I stop right there, "that little bitch."

I open the phone and look inside of it. A tracker is inside.

I take the SIM card out and break the phone. "Mason your so called girlfriend was gonna drug you." I say and his eyes widen.

"Fuck. I'm sorry." He says and puts his head in his hands.

"It's alright. You didn't know, all you wanted was a girlfriend and you thought she was gonna be it. It's not your fault." I say and sigh.

Kyrah runs her hands through my hair, "we have to kidnap her for more information." I nod and she stands up.

"You look through that SIM card and I will get her address." I nod and stand up.

We walk out the dining room and upstairs. I walk in my office and Kyrah walks in her room.

Now what the hell am I gonna do?

I put the SIM card into my computer and look through it. I look in the photos and see pictures of my files. She took this all today.

When I looked through the text messages I didn't see pictures of my flies which means she didn't send it.

I sigh in relief and look through more of her messages. Someone walked in my office with out knocking.

It's Kyrah.

"Do you wanna kidnap her now?" She asked and sat in my lap. I put my hands around her waist and shook my head.

"We can kidnap her later on. I just wanna take a nap." She rubs her hands through my hair and I sigh.

I put my head on her shoulder and close my eyes. "You wanna talk about it?" She asked.

I shook my head.

She kisses my forehead and gets off my lap. I stand up and we walk towards her bedroom. We walk in her room and she closes the door.

I take all my clothes off, leaving me just in my boxers and get in bed. I pull the covers on me and lay down.

"You need anything?" Kyrah asked while turning the lamp off.

"No." I say already half sleep.

"I will wake you up later. I love you." She says kissing behind my ear.

"I love you more." I say and fall asleep.

I have a fucking headache and it's sad how masons relationship didn't last for a day.


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