Ch 46: FUCK!

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Kyrah's POV.

I'm at the mall getting a few things because I'm bored and Stephen gave me his credit card so I have to break his pockets real quick.

I got a few outfits, some room decorations, some new shoes, and some more jewelry.

I'm walk towards my car when a guy walks up to me. Not gonna lie this men is hot but not hotter then my future husband.

"Can I help you?" I asked him, he smirks. "Can I have your number?" He asked.

"Whatcha tryna do smash and dash?" I asked with a smirk and he shakes his head. "I'm tryna get to know you." He said and I nod slowly. "My phone is in the car but you can have my number." He takes his phone out and I tell him my number.

I walk away, "call it so I can have your number." I yelled and he nods.

Stephen's POV.

I'm in my office with Dante, Mason, and Ryder when my phone rings. I look at the caller Id and it's just a phone number.

I smirk and answer the phone then put it on speaker.

"You're either a random who somehow found my number or you asked for my girls number. Which one?" I asked.

"Oh shit. She didn't say she had a man." The dude on the other line said.

"That's why she gave you my number so I could tell you myself. She has a man." Then I hang up.

I love phone calls like that.

Back to Kyrahs pov.

I'm in the car listening to maneater by Nelly Furtado when all of a sudden a shot hit my car.

I just came back from the dead YESTERDAY.

I speed up on the highway and grab my phone. I call Stephen and he answers on the second ring.

S: yes mama?

K: I promise you, god doesn't like me.

S: what you mean?


S: where are you?

K: I'm speeding down the highway.

They shoot my tire and I lose control of the car.



The car is spinning around and so is the wheel. I grab the wheel and spin it to get the car in control.

The car is straight again but I have a blown out tire.

K: I got back in control of the car.

S: We are tracking your car down now.


I yell when they shot at my other tire. I lost control.



The car hits a wall and I black out. I wake up with a headache. I look up and see I'm still in my car. I look around and there bullets holes in the back windows. I look out the review mirror and see someone getting out of a black car.

I grab my phone and put it in my back pocket. The person walks to the door and yanks the car door open.

Thank god my legs don't hurt. I kick him in the nose and he falls back. Someone grabs me by my hair and I hiss.

That shit hurts.

I twist his hand and I hear a crack. He screams in pain and lets go of my hair. I punch him in the face and he's out cold. I get out the car and step on the guys face that fell back.

At least no one comes on this highway.

I pick him up and throw him on over the small wall which leads to the ocean. Fuck my head hurts.

I go to the back of my car and grab the forever 21 bag. I grab some jeans and a sweatshirt and take these other clothes off. I put on that outfit and the converses I had got and grabbed my phone out my other pants pocket.

I turn my phone on and it still works. I call Stephen and he answers on the first ring.

S: we are on our way.


I yell when my hair gets pulled again. I twist their wrist and they scream in pain and lets go of my hair...again.

I grab my gun from next to me and shot him where the sun doesn't shine. "YOU BITCHHH." He yells. "No you're the bitch, but anyway tell the devil he's not getting me anytime soon." Then I shot him in the head.

K: Drop. Dead. Gorgeous.

S: you killed him didn't you?

K: yup, now hurry up my head hurts.

S: we are 3 minutes away.

K: Ok.

I hang up and just chill in the trunk on my phone. All of a sudden I hear screeching of tires and look to see Stephen, Dante, Mason, and Ryder jumping out the Car and running towards me.

I look at them and give them a wink. My head still hurts.

"Are you alright?" Mason asked, "nah, my head feels like shit." I say getting out the trunk and stand up.

Don't you fall Kyrah.

I grab my bags out my old car and put them in Stephen's car. I go in the front seat of my old car and grab everything out of it. Gun, bullets, daggers, charger, Stephen's credit card, and extra money.

I give Stephen his credit card back and put everything in the trunk in his car. They look at me in shock. "What?" I asked confused.

"Why are you grabbing shit out the car so fucking normal like you didn't just CRASH AND GET SHOT AT?!?" Ryder asked.

I shrug and get in the front seat of Stephen's car. Everyone gets in and we ride on home.

...I just don't understand on what I did to end up like this.

vote and comment. Love you allll❤️

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