Ch 24: A bath.

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Stephen's POV

After a 2 hour drive we make it back to the safe house. Everyone gets out the car and closes the doors.

We walk in the house and Kyrah helps me go upstairs while everyone went to their rooms. We make it upstairs and into the room. I sit on the bed while Kyrah closes the door.

"Did he feed you anything?" Kyrah says with her thick Italian accent coming out. I shook my head.

"What do you want to eat?" She questions taking off her vest. I shrug my shoulders.

She sighs, "imma go start you a bath." She says getting clothes out for me and walking in the bathroom.

I get up and walk in the bathroom with her, "why do you sound so upset?" I question leaning on the door frame and my arms crossed.

She's getting stuff out for the bath she looks at me and her eyes softened. "It's my fault that you were kidnapped." She says feeling the temperature of the water.

"it's not mama." I say walking towards her. She's putting Epson salt and other stuff into the tub. She lights a few candles and turns the bathroom lights off.

You need to wife her up no girl will EVER put Epson salt in a guys BATH. Soon...very soon.

She plays I want you around by Snoh Aalegra and turns towards me. "Get in." She says softly. I sigh and start taking off my clothes.

(Play the song)

Shes getting ready to leave the bathroom but I grab her arm. She looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "Would you help me wash?" I question hopefully.

"Sir you just walked up the stairs and walked in the bathroom. I think you can wash yourself." She says with a small smile.

"No I did not." I say defending myself.

"Fine just get in the tub I will be back." She says gently. "Alright." She walks out the bathroom and I take the rest of my clothes off and get in the tub.

This shit feels fucking GREAT.

I lean back and close my eyes, enjoying the feeling.

Right the girl was supposed to be the one who get kidnapped and you do this for her when you get her back? Now that I think about it yes.

I open my eyes and see Kyrah walk back in the bathroom with a black lace bra on and some black shorts. She grabs the shampoo, conditioner, and my body wash out the shower.

She sits on the edge of the tub and starts putting shampoo in her hands, "turn around darling." My heart skipped a beat.

I turn around and she starts massaging my scalp and humming the to song softly.

I close my eyes getting tired. "Don't fall asleep in the tub love." She says with a chuckle.

I just sigh in pleasure. when she's done, she gets the cup that's sitting on the side of the tub, puts water in it and gets the shampoo out my hair.

When she's done she does the same thing with the conditioner then gets it out of my hair. "You can turn around now." I turn around and look at her.

She gets up and go back in the shower and grabs my rag handing it to me. "Here. Do you want something to eat or after this your going straight to sleep?" She questions.

"I'm going straight to sleep." I say putting soap on my rag. She sighs, "I will be in the room if you need me alright?" I nod and look away from her.

She grabs my chin softly making me look at her. She looked in my eyes then kisses me passionately. That was very unexpected but I'm not complaining.

I was shocked at first but I relaxed and kissed her back with more passion. She pulls back kisses me one more time then leaves the bathroom.

I just sat there processing on what just happened. After I get out of shock I wash myself 5 times. Yup 5 motherfucking times and got out the tub. I drain it then wrapped my towel around me.

I turn the lights on and blow the candles out. I dry myself off and drop the towel and put my boxers on. I put my sweatpants on and turn the bathroom light off and walked out the bathroom.

I walk in the room and walk in the closet throwing my clothes in the hamper. I walk back out and get in bed with Kyrah. She looks at me. "Feel better?" She questions.

I wrap my arms around her waist and lay my head on her chest. "Mhmm." I hum closing my eyes. Before I fall asleep she whispered something that made my eyes open and look at her.

"Are you deadass?" I question sitting up with a small smile.

She smiled softly, " deadass." She whispered. I lay back down and hold her to me tightly. "Fuck I love you too." I say kissing her all over her face.

She laughed. That Beautiful laugh. "Alright, alright, alright goodnight Stephen." She says laying her head on my chest.

"Goodnight mama." I say falling asleep being the happiest man on earth.

She loves me.

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