Ch 56: Upset.

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Kyrah's POV
(1 month later)

You wanna know something?

Right now I wanna get fucked at gun point while Stephen writes "mine" on my thigh, with a knife.

I know, very inappropriate way to start. But I don't give a fuck, I have hard ass hormones.

I'm laying in bed with Stephen right now just thinking about it. "Is it crazy to say I wanna get fucked at gun point while you write mine on my thigh with a knife?"

Stephen takes off his glasses and looks at me, "gotta wait 2 months for that mama." He said calmly. I nod with a small pout.

"I mouth still works.." I say slowly while looking at him with a raised eyebrow. "I would love some head, but not right now." He said then kissed my forehead and continued on with his work.

"I've never in my life seen a man turn down head. You're a real one." He chuckles and continues typing on his laptop.

"I'm tired." I said tiredly. "Then go to sleep, my love." He said never once taking his eyes off the laptop.

"But I don't want too." I whine.

"Then you're not tired." He said getting annoyed.

"Smart ass." I mumbled.

"Slow ass." He said, calmly.

"Fuck you."

"Fuck you too."

"Bitch." I said looking him up and down. He looks at me while taking his laptop off his lap. "Bitch." He said with frowned eyebrows.




"My little fucking slut."

I stare at him, " And that is exactly why I wanna get fucked at gun point." Then I roll my eyes.

"You poor little thing." He said shaking his head. I fucking hate him. "I fucking hate you." I said, speaking my thoughts.

"Was you saying that when we recreated that one story you was reading about?" He asked putting his glasses on.

I stay silent.

"That's what I thought."

"I can't wait to whoop your ass when I'm not pregnant." I said and grabbed my phone to scroll on tiktok.

He took his shirt off and threw it somewhere in the room. "You did that on purpose, didn't you?" I said in disbelief.

He halted his typing and looks me in the eyes.

Strong eye contact.

"What are you gonna do about it if I did do it on purpose?" He said with a raised eyebrow.

I narrowed my eyes but stay silent.

He grabbed my neck with his left hand and brought it towards his. I gulp, "aren't you the same one who said you so called hated me but still act like this over a little touch?" He whispered, keeping eye contact.

I close my eyes. Holy shit.

"Exactly, now take your pretty little ass to sleep." He whispered in my ear which caused me to shiver.

He pecks my lips and slowly lets go of my neck.

Guess what?

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