Ch 41: family moment.

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Kyrah's POV.

(Just a little bit of smut it will tell you when it ends if you don't wanna read it.)

It feels like someone is BREATHING ON MY FUCKING HEAT I still have my eyes closed but I'm up. I move around but someone holds me down.

Then I feel a thump rub up and down my clit. I lowly moan at the feeling. I open my eyes and look to my right to see Stephen not there.

....he's under the blanket.

All of a sudden he starts devouring me. "It's too early for this Stephen." I say out of breath while playing with his hair.

"It's never too early to get head." He says and continues his assault. He licks my folds and puts a finger in. I moan at the feeling. "Stephen." I moan his name lowly. 

"Yes pretty girl?" He whispers against me. "I'm close.." I whispered while grabbing the sheets.

"Don't let go till I tell you too." He says and moves his finger faster. I grab a pillow and put it over my face so I can moan a little louder.

"You can let go now." He says. I moan as I let go.

(It's over)

He cleans it all up and grabs my boxers. He taps my thigh, "Hips up." I put my lower half up and he slides the boxers on. I sigh and he comes up from under the covers hovering over me.

His silver chin dangling over me as he smirks down at me. He looks me in the eyes and puts is finger into his mouth with my cum on it.

Morning head...great way to start the day, don't you think?

He wipes his mouth with his thump and looks at me with a small head tilt and his famous smirk.

"Good morning pretty girl." He says in a raspy, French accent. I close my eyes and look away with a small smile.

"Awww, is she shy?" He said while grabbing my chin and making me look at him. "Look at me mama." He says while rubbing my bottom lip.

I open my eyes and look at him. "Good morning pretty boy." I say lowly.

He does a small gasp.  "She talks." I chuckle and he brings his head down to mine and kisses me multiple times.

"How did you sleep?" He whispered against my lips. "Good, and you?" I asked him.

"I slept well." Then he kissed my lips again. "Ok, what's up with you being all touchy touchy?" I asked confused.

"I can't be touchy touchy with you?" He asked against my neck. "Never said that, tell me what's up?"

"The sky." He says and laughed. "....I didn't find your joke funny." He stops laughing and chuckles.

I move his head to the side. "I'm all talking to you with morning breath and shit, move so I can go brush my teeth."

He gets off of me and I sit up. I get off the bed and walk in the bathroom. I do my business And throw Masons shirt back on because I only had it on for like what...10 minutes last night.

I walk back out to see Stephen on his phone. He looks at me and does a double take. "Who shirt is that?" He asked, putting his phone down.

"I stole it from Mason." I say and he nods. "What do we have to do today?" He asked while I looked at the time on his phone.

8:30 am.

I put his phone back on the bed and sit down. "We have to get information out of Cora about the Americans. Then we have to find out the Americans location." I say and he nods.

"Are you tired of the mafia life?" He randomly asked me. I look at him, "sometimes. Why you ask?" He shrugs. "I don't know, it just randomly came out of nowhere."

There was a knock on the door, "come in Elijah." Elijah walks in with a big smile on his face. "MOMMY, DADDY!" He yells while closing the door.

He gets on the bed with his teddy bear in his hand and hugs me first. "Good morning kid." I say getting his hair out of his eyes.

"Good morning mommy." He kisses my cheek and goes to Stephen, "Father." He sounds too much like Stephen.

Stephen looks him up and down, "Kid." He says. "I don't like you dad." Elijah says with no emotion. "And I don't like you." Stephen says giving the same energy.

I watch in amusement.

"What did I do for you to not like me?" Elijah asked.

"What did I do for you to not like ME?" Stephen said with a raised eyebrow. "Nothing." Elijah said sounding offended.

What the hell?

Stephen sits him on his stomach. "I'm sorry." Elijah drops his teddy bear and hugs Stephen. "It's alright dad, it's alright." Stephen holds him tight and Elijah laughs.

I was blessed with these boys but they are so bipolar.

All of a sudden someone pulls my t-shirt and I look to see both of them looking at me. "Are you ok mommy?" Elijah asked while laying on his father's chest.

I nod, "I'm fine kid." He sighs and close his eyes. "You sure you ok mama?" Stephen asked, squeezing my waist. "I'm fine J. I promise." He nods and pulls me towards him. I lay my head on his shoulder and he kisses my forehead.

"Are you gonna tell me if something is wrong with you?" He asked while rubbing Elijah's cheek. I nod, "mhm."

"I love you alright? I don't wanna be left in the dark all the time." He says while rubbing small circles on my thigh.

I nod against his shoulder. "I love you more." I say with my eyes closed. "Don't fall asleep on me." I chuckle. "I'm not."

Yes you will. yes I will

"Yes you are." He says with a chuckle. "I'm sorry, I'm still tired." I say getting comfortable.

"I can make you exhausted..." he said slowly.

"Fuck you."


"Shut the hell up." He laughs.

I will update when I wake up. VOTE AND COMMENT LOVES. Love youuu❤️

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