Ch 17: the news.

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Kyrah's POV

After we all ate dinner my dad and Ryder was getting ready to leave. "It was nice having dinner with you all thanks for inviting us." My dad said with a smile.

"No problem I hope we will see you again soon." Beth said with a smile. "Kyrah can we talk to you?" Ryder questions with a serious tone. "Umm sure." We walk outside and we are now standing by my dad's car.

"So what is it you wanna talk about?" I question with a raised eyebrow. "He's back." My dad said in a serious tone.

My heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach. "What do you mean he's back?" I question with a harsh tone.

"He's back and he's coming for Stephen." He says with soft eyes. "I don't understand." I say to no one in particular.

"Listen Kyrah he sent a threat to the house saying he knows where you Stephen and Elijah lives." Dad says handing me the letter.

'Dear kyrah,
You thought you was gonna live a happy life?
Well that's not how this works love. I found out about your little family, and I'm not happy about it very much so they should watch their back. First person I'm coming for is your little boyfriend. Then the list goes on. I will see you soon my love.
From the love of your life'

I folded the letter up and put it in my pocket, "Ryder I need you to get the safe house ready for me, Elijah, Stephen, Dante, and Mason And dad I want you to clean up the guest room at your house so his parents can move in with you. It's not safe here." I say walking in the house. I close the door and walk in the living room to see everyone watching tv.

I grabbed the remote and turn it off everyone starts whining. "Shush you will be fine but I need every one to go upstairs and pack y'all bags it isn't safe here." I say looking at them all.

"Why?" Stephen questions, "I will explain when we all are in the car so get ya asses up and go pack ya bags." I say walking out the living room and upstairs. I walk in my room grabbed my suitcase and started throwing shit in there.

I felt a strong presence behind me so I turn around and see Stephen looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "Yes Stephen?" I question turning back around and continued throwing stuff in the suitcase.

"What's wrong?" He asked. "Why do you think somethings wrong?" I question not looking at him.

"Because 1 you told everyone to pack their things so we can go and 2 you never call me by my first name. So what's going on?" He said, "we're all in danger so we can't stay in this house any longer." I say sitting on the floor with my legs crossed staring at a wall with my back still facing Stephen.

I hear him sigh and heard the closet door close. I hear him walk towards me and all of a sudden I was turned around and was getting picked up. Before I could fall I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

He sat on the floor with me on his lap and looked me in the eyes. "Tell me what's going on mama." He said in a soft voice.

I looked in his eyes for a few seconds and then broke down. I was a crying mess but I didn't care because I've been holding it in for too long.

"Mama.." he whispered and hugged me tightly. I never let go of Him because if I do it feels like he's gonna disappear in any moment.

He was whispered sweet things in my ear telling me I'm gonna be ok, and that he's here. "Are you gonna leave me?" I whispered With my head in the crook of his neck.

"I would never leave you." He whispered while rubbing my back, "promise?" I say with my voice cracking a little and my pinky out.

He hooks his pinky with mine and he kisses his thumb, "I promise baby." He says with a hint of a smile.

I take my head from crook his neck sit up to wipe my face off. "Now tell me what's wrong." He said looking at me with soft eyes.

I sigh, "when I was 15, I met a boy named Leo. he was hot, he had a good personality, and everything that I wanted in a guy." I say looking at him waiting for him to say something but he doesn't he just sits there and listens.

"He was 2 years older then me, we started talking and when I turned 16 he asked me out I really liked this guy so I said yes. We were doing so good until one night I went to his house and when I walked in he was upset.I asked him what was wrong and he started yelling at me."

I took a deep breath and continued, "after he yelled at me he hit me. I didn't want to hit him back because he was stronger then me so he would win that fight. I ran out the house, got in my car and drove back home. When I got home I ran upstairs in my room and cried. I called myself weak and useless. He kept texting and calling saying he's sorry and I believed him. After that it was never the same. I loved him so much that I kept ignoring the red flags." 

"He would hit me, sexual assault me when I didn't want it, and sometimes rape me at times. I didn't tell anyone because he would threaten me." I looked at Stephen and he looked like he wanted to body punch someone.

"At the age of 17 I broke up with him. He told me that I was making a mistake and that he would make my life hell. But I didn't think much about it. After a few months of depression and self harm. I decided to get my life together so I got dressed and went to a club and met you." I say with a small smile.

"So when you said it was your first time you lied?" He questions softly.

I shook my head, "it was my first time ever wanting it. I was forced those other times." I say matter-of- factly.

"Ok continue." He said. "After I left your hotel room I found out I was pregnant. I looked for you for years and couldn't find you. After I had Elijah. A few months later I found my mom dead with a note. When I found out Leo killed her, I took Elijah and my dad and moved here."

"At 17 I wasn't officially a mafia leader but I was learning more about it. Then at 18 I became a mafia leader because my dad retired and I was strong enough to be one."

I didn't know I was crying till Stephen whipped the tears away. "Well you have me now. You shouldn't be so worried alright?" He said raising his eyebrows.

"Ok." I whispered looking him in the eyes. Next thing I know his lips was on mine giving me a passion kiss. And I kissed him back.

He pulled away and kissed my forehead. "I need to go pack now." He said standing up and putting me on the floor.

When I started packing again I heard him mumble something that made me stop. 

'I love you'

I changed my mind on putting this on hold😫

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