#2 bonus chapter

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Kyrah's pov .

I was in the kitchen with a sports bra and some grey shorts, looking for something to eat. Until I heard my child crying.

Evelina ran in the kitchen screaming and crying . "MOMMYYYYYYY." She ran towards me with her hand on her lip and made grabby hands.

I slam the cabinet closed and picked my kid up. I sat her on the counter. "Eve why are you screaming and crying?? What's wrong ? Are you hurt? Did you see anyone? Someone put they hands on you ?" I'm just booming my 5 year old with questions.

It's making her panic at the fact I'm panicking. "Daddy did it." She must had deserved it then. But she shouldn't be screaming and crying like this.

"Okay, first of all. Calm down for mommy please. Stop screaming." after her screaming she was just doing low sobs. "Now tell me what did daddy do?" I said holding her hands.

"He hit my lip." I raise an eyebrow. "What was you eating that shouldn't be in your mouth ?" She looked down.


"A crayon." She whispered. "Pick Your head up and speak to me loudly."

She wiped her face and picked her head up.

"I was eating a crayon." I suck my teeth. "You're 5. How many times we told you not to do that? hit me the way he hit you."

This little ass girl backhanded the fuck shit out of my mouth. She's over dramatic. But it still caught me off guard.

I lick my lips and let her down. "Go to Elijah's room and tell him to text me when you're in there. like run. " she nodded and ran there .

"AND LOCK THE DOOR !" I yell out . "OKAY!" her small voice was heard.

I went out to the garage and grabbed fireworks. my baby should not be screaming and crying like that. but she's just over dramatic. but still. that's my baby.

My phone dings in my pocket and I look at the text.

Son Son 🩶: why is Evelina running in here like a maniac and told me to text you that she's in here and the door is lock ?

Momma 🩶: if you hear something like gunshots, don't panic it's fireworks.

Son Son 🩶: I'll mind my business...don't burn the house down pls.

I put my phone in my pocket, went in the kitchen and grabbed a lighter.

Mama 🫀: baby, where are you?

I waited for Stephen to text me back.

4ever love 🩷: I'm in my office, why ?

Mama 🫀: I'll tell you when I come up.

I started walking upstairs with this big thing of fireworks and went to my man office. I left the fire works by the door where the guards are and told them to go somewhere far once I took it out of their hand .

I went in his office to see his shirt unbuttoned and him looking tired. My poor baby. Sucks he's going to burn.

"You alright?" I asked closing the door and walking towards him. "mhm, had to pop Evelina in her mouth for eating a crayon. Pretty sure she told you that." I roll my eyes.

"Pop me the way you popped her in the mouth." I said and he waved me over with his fingers. I came down to his hand level and he just plucked my mouth.

I laugh, "the way she did it caught me off guard. She made it seem like you backhanded the shit out of her." he shook his head.

"She gets that from you." I gave him a kiss but he wanted more. He pulled me closer by my neck , sitting me on his lap. His hands roaming on my body down to gripping my ass.

I was getting too used to it. tooo used to it. I grabbed his hands and pulled them away from me. "Don't get too handsy." I said getting up and moving back a lil bit with a smile.

I Get on the other side of the desk and looked at him. "Why do you keep playing with me like I'm some lame ass bitch who don't give a fuck about her kids?"

I said moving backwards towards the door while he looked at me unfazed. "I'm not." He said matching my energy.

"You are ." I said in the calmest voice you'll ever hear me in. "what you about to do now ? and before you do it can we make out some more. It's been too many times I almost died in your hands. I don't even care anymore." I laugh and walked towards him.

I gave him one last kiss and walked away. I open the door, grabbed my fire works and the guards ran. I wasn't playing with him.

I turn around and looked at him. He was standing up now. Arms crossed and observing me .

"Doesn't it look pretty Just by packaging?" I said and sat it down in the middle of the floor

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"Doesn't it look pretty Just by packaging?" I said and sat it down in the middle of the floor. "Not better than you." Stephan told me. It made me wet.

oh well.

I grab my lighter. "This is for making my daughter scream and cry." "Now you know she's over dramatic." He told me.

"Oh well, it hurt her a lot . Play with somebody else pussy and not mine. Bitch."

I light the fire work and calmly walked out his office, closing the doors behind me. I held them as I heard the fireworks going off. he didn't yell...not once. Lord he's so fine. 

that's how you know he can handle me.

But his office about to look like the next AMP house.

Some guards were running towards the door but when they saw me, they just walked away. it's normal at this point.

After a little bit, I didn't hear anymore fireworks, but the fire alarm went off. I open the doors and look to see Stephen still standing in the same position.

"Why aren't you dead ?" I asked upset. "why are you hell bent to get rid of me baby ?" he asked .

"Because you're a asshole. But were the colors pretty ?" he shook his head stomping out some of the fire.

"Nope, but you want to know something that's pretty , pink, and wet ?" He said getting closer and closer. man oh man.

"What ?" I asked him and he smiles as he got to my level.

"The pussy you told me not to mess with." He said as his hands went around my waist and his mouth went to my ear.

"I want you to be in our room, on the bed, waiting for me...if not, don't let me find you. And if you leave, I suggest you don't come home." he left no room for conversation.

I scoffed wondering who the fuck he think he is. "Who do you think you are? I JUST TRIED TO BURN YOU AND YOU ARENT MAD ?" he laughed.

"too many times you've tried to kill me because of those kids. at least we know you love em. Now go do what I said, please?" He asked nicely.

"no, like I said play with somebody else pussy and not mine. goodbye." I left.

"Alright, don't let me find you ." I heard him say.

He ain't gonna do shit. He too big and old for that.

HEYEYEYEYEY, I was listening to a freaky song right....and so I ended up writing this...y'all want part two ?

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