Ch 43: No.

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Stephen's POV.
(1 week later)

We've been training and preparing for the attack. We haven't got any more threats that we had a week ago.

About a week ago, week ago- nah I'm just playing.

It's dark outside and I have guards in every corner of this house. Kyrah has guards in this house also on high alert. Elijah is at Kyrah dads house and my parents are in Italy.

So the only people we should be worried about for this attack is all of us. I just got out of the shower in my room and put on some boxers and sweatpants then I walk out of my room and into Kyrah's. There she was sleeping peacefully.

I close the door and get in bed with her. I put the covers over me and pull Kyrah closer. Kyrah turns around in my hold and looks at me with a tired smile.

"I love you." She whispered wrapping her arms around my neck. I give her a feather like kiss on her neck and hold her a little tighter by her waist. "I love you more pretty girl." I said in a raspy voice.


Me and Kyrah both got out of bed and ran in her closet. We grabbed a few guns and daggers.

It's not the 23 yet?

We run out of her room and look down the hallway to see Mason and Dante running towards us.

"It's not the fucking 23 yet so what the hell?" Mason asked confused. "FUCKING RICK!" Kyrah yells and Rick runs towards us out of breath. "Yes miss Donna." Gunshots are still being heard from downstairs.

"Please tell me how the hell you didn't see a fucking ARMY coming towards the house? YOU ARE THE ONE BY THE FUCKING GATE!" She yells and Rick rolls his eyes. "They didn't come from the fucking front. They came from the back."

"so you're telling me 30 guards was killed back there?" She asked and he nods. "FUCK!" Kyrah yells in anger. Kyrah grabs her gun and shot someone from behind Mason.

"Good looks Ky." Mason said with a nod and Kyrah smirks. "Before we go down there, I just wanna say I love you all with all my heart. See you on the other side." Kyrah says and we look at each other.

"See you on the other side." Me and the guys say in sync. We run downstairs and start shooting everyone in our eyesight that's on the others team.

This feels like call of duty.

Someone runs my way and punch them in the jaw. Out cold.

"Well damn, what was that a super punch?" Kyrah said fighting 3 people off of her. I shot one of them in the back and the other in the head.

Kyrah ends up getting the man on his knees and snaps his neck. She throws a dagger at the man Masons fighting and it hits the man in the neck.

I shot the guy fighting Dante and he falls. We all walk in the living room to see the leader of the American mafia and 2 other men.

"Michael fucking Collymore." I say with a glare and he smirks.

"More like cauliflower." Kyrah said and we laugh. "SHUT THE FUCK UP" Michael yelled and we stop laughing.

"I've been waiting to do this. I've got your little present Kyrah darling."

"Fucking ew. Don't say that shit again." She said making a face. He glares at her, "don't worry, you won't hear from me again once I kill you." Kyrah gives him a bored look.

"Anyway why would come a week earlier?" Kyrah asked looking at her nails. "Well it was a little surprise. Like this."

Another bang was heard but nobody got hit with it. We all look at Kyrah and she's glaring at Michael.

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