Ch 54: Like a light.

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Stephen's pov.
(5 months later, large time skip I know)

I'm finally doing it.

I'm gonna ask her.

I walk towards her room and knock on her door. "Come in!" She yelled. opening the door, I look around the room and don't see her.

"Where are you mama?" I asked confused, "I'm in the closet." She said, sounding like she wants to cry.

Her and these hormones are not a good mix.

I walk in her closet to see her laying on her back with clothes all around her. I chuckle at the sight. "What's wrong?" I asked and she looks at me with teary eyes.

"I can't fit anything anymore. SHE NEEDS TO GET OUT OF MY DAMN BELLY ALREADY!" Kyrah yells at the end of her sentence.

Yes, we are having a girl.

I sigh, "well we are going out." I said, putting the box on the counter. "What's in the box?" She asked while I help her up off the floor.

"Something. Now put it on." I said and she looks at me with a raised eyebrow, "you don't demand me to do things. If I wanna put it on then I will." She said crossing her arms.

Mood after mood.

"Just put it on please." I said, rubbing my forehead. "Only because you asked nicely." She takes off my shirt that she had on and throws it somewhere in the closet.

She opens the box and gasps. "It's pretty. Did Beth pick this?" She asked while taking the dress out the box.

"No, she didn't. I did, now put it on." I say getting impatient. "Be patient." She said and puts the dress on.

Once she put it on, we are leaving.

She looks in the mirror, trying to zip the dress up. "Now I know you see me struggling. Help me out will you?" She said putting her hands at her sides.

I chuckle and walk towards her. When I'm Standing behind her I rub the back of my hand down her back softly and she shivers.

The effect I have on her is great.

I zip up the dress and look at her. "It looks good on you princess." I said, nodding. I take her hair out of the ponytail she had and it falls into its natural waves.


"Are you putting any makeup on?" I asked and she nods grabbing her makeup bag that she barely uses.

She takes out eyeliner and some clear lip gloss out the bag. She puts that on and fixes her hair a little bit.

Did that within ten minutes.

She sits down and I grab some heels for her. "These?" I asked holding up some red bottoms. She nods.

I put the shoes on her feet and stand up to my height towering over her.  She looks me up and down. "Don't tower over me like that." She says and looks in the mirror again.

"Do I look fat?" She asked with a small head tilt. "No, you look fine princess." She shakes her head. "I think I look fat in this dress." She said on the verge of crying.

I pull her towards me and put her head on my chest. "You look fine. Don't cry mama." She nods and I move her head from my chest. "Are you gonna cry?" I asked, she shakes her head.

"Good, now come on before we are late." I grab her purse and phone and walk out of the room while holding her hand.

We walk downstairs and outside to see the guys. "You look gorgeous Kyrah." Dante said opening her door while Mason open mines.

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