Ch 58: explaining myself.

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Kyrah's POV.

I sit on the couch with this man while I wait for him to get that small headache he has been getting for the past 2 weeks.

"Fuck." He whispered and took his arm off my shoulders. Thank the fucking god. "What's wrong hun?" I said putting my hand on his back.

I mentally gag. Who calls someone hun?

"I got this headache that I've been having for the past 2 weeks now." He said lowly groaning. "You want to lay down?" I asked slowly standing up.

"Yeah." He got up and grabbed my hand and took me to his room. This is the part I hate most. Where I lay in his bed with him until he's fully sleep.

We walk in his room and he let's go of my hand. His dirty ass hands. Every time I get home I would get straight in the shower and scrub the fuck out of my body and stomach.

He went in his bathroom to change while I took my heels off. I don't need no man to help me take my shit off.

You don't need Stephen's help? Oh, I need his help but not from another man. You tell 'em girl.

After I took my heels off, I laid in his bed. I turn on my right side, facing away from the bathroom door. I hate this idea of me getting information out of someone, but I can't let this man know who daughter I am.

I sigh. I'm in the wrong. I didn't tell Stephen where I was going and who I was going with. So him telling me to get my stuff and take it to my room is the right thing to do.

I'll tell him later.

The bathroom door opens and the guy that I don't remember the name of walks back in the room. yes, knew the man for 2 weeks and don't even remember his name.

That's rude. I know and I don't give a fuck.

His name started with a v. Was it victor? No. Viktor? No. Vic, YEAH VIC. THAT WHAT HIS NAME IS.

Even though I don't give a damn.

The bed dips behind me and he wraps his arms around me. "Are you sleep?" He asked in a raspy, deep voice.

It didn't turn me on like how Stephen says it. Sad days I made the poor man upset.

"Nope." I whispered.

"Remember that plan you was telling me about?" I asked, while I rubbed my finger up and down his arm.

"Mhm, what about it?" He asked, almost falling asleep. It normally takes him till 3 to fall's only 12.

I mean at least I might go home early.

"What is the date you're gonna kill him?" I asked, in a curious tone. I mixed it with a little seductive. *inserts eye wink emoji*

I'm never saying that bullshit again, fuck you Author. (A/n: bitch shut the hell up and continue your story)


"We kill him tomorrow." He said, kissing my shoulder and up towards my neck. I'm not gonna fucking fake moan if that's what you're thinking.

Fake moan. No. Do it. Hell no.

I close my eyes and mentally sigh. Get this ugly man OFF OF ME. "Please don't put a hickey on my neck." I whispered, terrified but I'm a bad bitch so I can't show it.

Did y'all know my father is white? Yeahhhh, I have more of my mom's genes but anyway.

"I already put one." My heart drops to my ass while he laughs. imma get my ass beat. "Why?" I asked, on the verge of tears.

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