2 years later... again

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A horizontal sword swing was coming quickly, so while keeping my sword fueled with mana I braced. Meeting his sword with mine caused a loud "clack" sound to ring out as we were both using wooden swords, had I not had mana running through my hands and the sword I'm sure I would have at least stinging hands right now.

Pushing off the swing, I send a wind mana fused kick and while I couldn't quite reach with my foot, the force from the added wind mana pushed him back giving me some space. Resetting my stance with my katana like wooden sword held vigilantly in front of me with both hands I fuel my sword with fire mana and prepare an over head slash.

My opponent, Kaspian Bladeheart, sensing the mana fuels his own sword with wind mana and prepares to meet it. Even at 4 the height difference is to substantial so my over head slash only causes him to hold his sword out front. However the results speak for themselves, when our swords met fire and wind swirled around each other and blew up dust in a circle around us.

The excess fire and wind died down leaving just us still locked by our swords before Kaspian nods and disengages. I follow suit and immediately sheathe my sword at my hip.

"That should do it for today, your mana control has become noticeably better as of late, I imagine you'll be breaking into yellow soon. Your swordsmanship still needs refining, but I'm sad and happy to say that you could currently beat any swordsman that's not an expert in sword skills alone.

At this pace I won't have anything less to teach you in another 2 years. From there you'll have to find your own style and way of the sword to progress passed just an expert."

He says before tossing his wooden sword to the side and dusting off his clothes.

"While I say that, just having better sword skills doesn't always determine the victor. Experience, and also in your case size and weight. You're definitely powerful, but you're still too small and weak compared to other swordsmen."

I breathe out a sigh, it's not like I didn't expect that with me only being 4 currently. However I had hoped with my continuous mana core development it would compensate for my lack of size, but as it is right now I would lose to most if not all people of my core level strictly because of more experience and size.

"You're right. While I can't control my size besides with waiting, I can however gain experience. By becoming an adventurer."

"No." Kaspian quickly responds.

"Wha-? Why not? It's the best way for me to gain more experience!" I childishly argue back.

"It's obvious why. Well maybe not to you but to any other logical human being it is, 4 is just too young to be going and risking your life. Now I respect the lengths and determination you put into the training, though I still don't know why, but as your instructor and definitely as your guild leader I will not allow you to become an adventurer."

I stood there jaw wide open as I stared at him, he seemed to scheming of a man to not allow someone like me to become an adventurer. But as I thought about it, maybe that's exactly why. While he knows I'm qualified accidents can still happen, so he wants to make sure I can truly handle myself before I join.

"How about if I defeat you in a duel? Would you allow me to then?" I ask challengingly while slanting my eyes slightly into a small glare. Not in any kind of anger towards him, but to show my resolve and the seriousness behind the question.

He eyes me up and down, before closing his eyes and thinking. I honestly think I'll have to hit at least yellow core to be able to defeat him because I think that will even the playing field. My reason for this is that I believe he's a yellow core mage himself, however I don't know that for certain because it was never stated in the books that I can remember.

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