Dungeon Boss' Maze

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After Arthur, Jasmine and the other 2 Mahpur brothers finished resting it was time to keep going. Everyone was but wary of traps now, but they moved with trust in our combine abilities. While they had been resting, the Mahpur brothers had traded stories about how Jasmine and Arthur kept Ben and Len safe; and how I kept Ken safe against the various traps and mana beasts.

The little nightmare fox stayed curled up inside my hood, so that it stayed out of my way. I should probably give it a name, but I'm not planning on keeping the creature so there's not much point. I found myself absentmindedly stroking its fur as we walked as we had been walking for almost an hour now.

"What's that?" I heard Arthur whisper so I enhanced my eyes with mana to see what he saw and chuckled lightly. It was a maze, at least I had to assume so since I wasn't looking at it from above, but with the multiple pathways and winding corridors what else could it be?

"I believe that is a maze, try not to get us too lost." As I said that, teasing our fearless leader, I began running mana strings around everyone and then sending them down the various passages of the maze. Jasmine was the only one that noticed the string as Arthur was still only an orange core mage whole Jasmine was approaching solid yellow.

"I know what a maze is, Rez. I just didn't want to have to deal with one, especially here." Arthur grumbles mostly to himself but loud enough for me to hear. I walk up and clap him on the shoulder mockingly, almost slapping rather than clapping.

"Don't fret young adventurer, your seniors are here to bail you out if you get lost." I could see his eyes narrow into a glare through the slits of his mask and I just raised my hands in defense.

"Quit teasing Note, Rez. Lead us forward Note, you've gotten us this far." Jasmine came forward with her usual stoic face and I just chuckled slightly. Arthur though, nodded and began the trek through the maze and took a right instead of a left.

"Right is the right path, but sometimes left is the only choice that remains." I say cryptically and get ignored by everyone so I just shrug it off.

(Get it? Because it's all that's left?)

A couple hours have passed with us traveling this maze, and I can feel the annoyance radiating off Arthur.

"Ahhhh. Well at least the next people that come through will have the maze completely mapped out for them, huh Note?" I said while stretching and I could feel his annoyance increasing with every word.

"You know~ you could ask for help from your master~." I continue to tease and I can see a faint smile off Jasmine's face at the interaction. Arthur turns around and faces, and his eyes could probably kill some people with that ferociousness behind them.

"If you know how to get out of here then be my guest." He said as he waved a hand in front of him, and I just shook my head.

"Don't worry young student, I'll give you a helping hand this time. Besides you were going the completely wrong way. Don't you know the correct path is: left, left, right, left, right, right, then ending with a left down a long hallway." I looked back and forth between everyone and they just stared blankly at me.

"Don't dawdle now, I'd like to get out of the maze sooner rather than later." I said and marched passed Arthur and took the first left.

"Left!" I called out as I took the path and I could hear Arthur groan slightly.

"Left!" Another fork came and went with another left taken.

"Right!" I continued this until we got to the final left and lo and behold there is a long hallway that seems to lead to an expansive chamber. I come up beside Arthur and sling an arm around his shoulder.

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