Another Apprentice

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Professor Avius' class was rather boring as the knowledge I had gained through wills covered pretty much everything he went over. However the different ways people look at things made it not be a complete waste, such as creating wind barriers or even fire barriers. Of course I technically knew this, but when you get so wrapped up in pure fight power, you forget the little things like your own protection.

After all I'm sure there will come a time where I can't just dodge or evade as I've been doing in all my battles, especially later on I can see myself needing to conjure shield like magics for protection. As soon as the class ended I made sure to hold Kathyln and Tessia back while everyone else left.

"What is it Jaron? We have our second training session with the Director to get to." Kathyln looks confused so I give her a nod that meant I would explain that later before I began to speak.

"I was wondering if after school you 2 would want to come to my house and meet my family. I know Kathyln has met them, but only in a formal setting for the most part." Tessia crossed her arms in indifference as she looked at me.

"I'm flattered for the invite, but I didn't think we were close enough friends for such a thing." That makes me smirk causing her to raise an eyebrow.

"You'll get to meet Arthur's parents." I could see her completely blank out of the conversation as she had a big smile. Thoughts raced and I could tell what kind as her cheeks slowly grew a pink dusting. Eventually she nodded her head when she came back to reality.

"Yes, I suppose I could come visit your family." She tried to look dignified, but me and Kathyln just traded small smiles at her actions.

"Great, it's settled then. You're both coming over after the last class." Kathyln looks slightly nervous so I just rest a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"You've met them before, it's nothing to worry about." She nods her head and smile in return before clapping my hands together.

"Right, need to get to our training session and Kathyln to her next class. Tessia, you go in ahead and I'll walk Kathyln to her next class." Tessia, without another word, walks out of the room and towards the private training room. Kathyln turned to me and looked ready to wave me off.

"You don't have to walk me to my class." She said as she went to grab her bag, but I grabbed it first and grinned at her.

"You're right, but I want to. Now come on Princess, you don't want to be late." As I turned toward the door I slipped my hand into hers as if I'd done it a thousand times. For brief moment she was frozen, but as I pulled slightly she fell into step beside if a half step behind. I could see her head tilted slightly downward staring at our hands with a blush on her face.

With my free hand i tilted her chin up so she was facing forward rather than the ground.

"Chin up Princess, you only have to bear with this a little longer." I say with a wry smile that causes her to puff at me slightly. I feel her hand grip a little tighter as she stares in me in the eyes before facing forward and walking like the royalty she is. Head held high, and shoulders back, back straight as she walked with now confident steps.

"You will regret teasing me one day." She said quietly still focused on walking forward and I just smiled.

"I don't think that will ever happen." I could see her faint pout again, but it was quickly replaced by a soft smile. We walked without talking the rest of the way to her classroom, to which the door was still open and all the students could see us walking together. I could feel her hand squirm in my grasp, but I just squeezed it gently. I passed her bag to her and said my goodbyes, as she walked to her seat.

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