Meeting of the Council

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[Jaron's POV]

I've been in heavy contemplation since Arthur and Elijah have returned. To the point that I've been unconsciously avoiding them, so that I could watch and study them from afar. Arthur seems to have already noticed, but I push that to side as that's not really that important. He can get on without me for a little bit. The cause of my contemplation is the strange aura that previously I had only ever seen inside Arthur that I now see in Elijah as well.

The energies seem to reach out for each other when they are too far away, but I can see Elijah's lash out when they get too close as well. I'm almost positive that this energy or aura is the from their past lives. The only problem is, is whether Elijah will be an enemy or not. I can't remember the whole thing, but I know his origins go farther than just being a dwarf orphan.

I just don't know if what happens can be prevented or if it is inevitable. Haa, it's a thought for another time because even so I don't know if I could kill someone just because of what they are fated to do. My attention drifts from them and over to the letter I received from King Blaine himself.

"To Jaron

You are asked to attend the announcement ceremony for the Lances as the Rez. However if you accept our offer it won't be as just a spectator, but rather earning a title for yourself.

The public knows the name Rez far and wide now throughout the kingdom of Sapin, as well as whisperings in the elf and dwarf kingdoms due to your showing at the tournament. It was obvious to myself, Alduin and Dawsid that you were a step above even the ones that are now considered the Lances.

That's why I offer you a sort of figurehead position, not as a Lance proper. As I know you still want to attend Xyrus, though I have no clue why someone of your pedigree would want or need to attend an academy. Well I suppose I have at least one idea haha.

By the power of the Council of Dicathen backing these words, I would like to offer you, Rez, the title of the Shield and serve as the protector of both Lance and citizen. Shielding the citizens from the horrors of war, and providing support to your peers, the Lances, when they so need the help.

I await your response, and don't take too long as the announcement is in 1 week.

Signed, Blaine Glayder of the Council of Dicathen"

Laying the letter down on my desk I lean my head back in my chair to look up at the ceiling. It's a smart move honestly, Rez is known to have come from orphan origins and rose to become the strongest adventurers in recent times. My feats as Rez has circulated through the public almost on the same levels of legends. Though that's mostly due to the stories getting exaggerated.

The way he worded the letter also seemed to imply that I would be allowed to continue attending Xyrus as well, though that's going to start to get a bit finicky. The more observant people and especially Kathyln might start to notice how often I have to disappear. Maybe I should at least tell Kathyln about me being the Rez, it would definitely be preferable to her finding out some other way.

1 week, huh? The amulets I was going to make for Kathyln, mom, dad, Lilia and the Leywins are almost finished, and when I do finish them it would be hard to replicate a slightly different version. After all the amulets I'm making for them have a distress signal that will pop up a video from my bracelet of their view from the amulet, that they can activate with just a press of the button as well as voice, and it can detect emotional distress.

The amulets were also made with my Phoenix powers fused into them as well. Meaning if they are targeted by a lethal or even a severely wounding attack, both magical or physical, a protective barrier will form around them. If that somehow fails, as a last ditch effort of a feature it will teleport them as close to me as possible. And if they suffered any injuries, my healing flames will erupt from the amulet to heal all the wounds.

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