Months gone bye

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After my first couple months in the Beast Glades I returned like I told everyone I would. I had reached just into A territory before the time was up to head back, but I also decided to stay for longer next time. Which I'm currently on my 2nd month of this 6 month excursion.

A blast of flames came shooting at me from the sky and just behind it a large bird swooped down toward me. Sending a wave of wind I made the flames divert to either side of me, and I jumped with wind mana propelling me and stabbed the Flare Hawk in the chest. Because I'm traveling by myself now, I can use my wind and sound mana more freely.

My string training in this time has come along greatly, I can now wield a string on each finger as well as easily pump an element into them. The mana beasts seem to be able to sense the strings, but they also don't seem able to see the strings. Which has proved quite deadly in my encounters.

I had encountered a fire based baboon mana beast called Hell Boons. They travel in packs just like the Terra Pumas I fought on my first day, except even more. Almost as if they bring their whole group with them. There were 20 of them, some shooting fireballs at me and others coming with flaming fists and legs. At first I was just holding them off with my sword, but then remembered my strings I had been training.

Letting go of my sword with my left hand I generated mana strings of my fingers and shot them toward the closest baboons. Expecting them to be able to see it like, I thought they would dodge and then I would bind them. Instead however I saw them become wary of an attack but they couldn't see it! The strings pierced them in various locations and even managing to catch the closest in the head killing it instantly. With the others immediately wrapped the strings around them before sending a surge of lightning mana through the string, frying them.

The other Hello Boons looked on in shock and using their pause to my advantage I began whipping my strings coated now I'm wind mana and sliced them to pieces. I'm only in the A rank area at the moment, and Hell Boons alone are only considered B rank cap I'm still not sure how sharp these strings really are. Or how they will hold up against stronger mana beasts

I've also been working on improving my dexterity and precision with the strings as right now I just kind of throw them around in enemies general direction. So I've started making patterns with strings and shapes as well as other things. Another thing I've done is hardening the string so that it's like a second sword. I'm still not where I want to be with the strings though, they have the ability to be a great ability as long as I keep an open mind on their uses.

Just like with the Hell Boons I would have never thought to just shoot their limbs like that, but now I feel stupid having not thought of it. I could shoot string through their bodies and have them all connected or like how I killed the first one. The string just pierced the head and killed it, that's better than my high powered wind bullets as those can be seen.

But today I would be putting that all on hold and go back to concealing my wind and sound mana. The reason for that is I'm joining a dungeon dive of a AA rank dungeon, one of the 2 that sits in the A rank zone. With the dungeon being AA rank that means only A rank adventurers and above are allowed to participate, and if you're an A rank adventurer you have to come with a party of other A rank adventurers.

So I wasn't really surprised when I saw the Twin Horns standing outside the dungeon with 4 other people. I would round out the group being the 10th member and the 2nd AA rank adventurer in the party.

'Tuk the dungeon will not be a good place for you, so stay out here and wait for me.' I sent to Tuk as I continued to approach the other adventurers.

'Agreed hatchling, but call for me should you need it. I'll be near.' Was his reply as I saw him fly up into the trees.

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