Xyrus Academy

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5,000 words for chapter 50?!



The conversation devolved into a disarrayed Q&A from there, and I spent the next couple hours answering questions about my beast will and some of the powers that came with it. I lied saying that I must have overused my power and didn't realize the time that passed. Well I guess that wasn't technically a lie, but it wasn't the full truth either, so it was much easier to mislead them.

Not that I particularly like lying and misleading my family, but I don't see me saying 'ya I can turn trees into sentient beings' as something they are going to be able to accept too easily. That's why I feel this path is the safest with the least death flags. That leads me to my room that night where I see the box encasing my uniform for Xyrus, which I start tomorrow morning.

Taking it out it's a military style uniform that's all black with gold trimming and buttons, but it also comes with a shawl or cloak like piece that's supposed to hang over my shoulders. The front is left open only connected at the neck and down the chest in a series of interlinking gold chains, with the cloak itself being a pristine white color, also having a gold trimming and around the collar is 2 patches with the Xyrus academy logo.

According to the letter I'll get the blue uniform when I actually become the Student Council President, but personally I preferred the all black attire over that almost teal blue color. I hung my clothes upon the clothing mannequin in my room for the next day, and when I turned around I found Tuk sitting in the windowsill.

For the next hour I described in detail what happened on my journey that was supposed to only last a week, and he just sat there impassively as he absorbed all the information. Only a small widening of the eyes told me that a piece of information surprised him.

"You created a mana beast?" He asked incredulously, and I just nodded in the affirmative.

"Ya, and I guess when I created her, something caused us to bond." I stared out the window as did Tuk, looking at the full moon in the sky.

"I see.." Was all he said, but I could see the disheartened aura settled around him.

"I'm sorry, Tuk. I didn't know this would happen when I tried to do it. I must have done something wrong right before I passed out." He shook his head as I gripped my hand into a fist.

"It's quite alright hatchling. It's been fun to be along for your journey so far, but I've probably lived long enough honestly." He gazed at the moon intensely before he turned to me and extended a wing towards. I thought he wished to exchange a handshake or at least the wing equivalent to one, but when I grasped his wing his body began dispersing into motes of mana. My eyes widened as his wing faded from my grasp.

"I know you can't or wouldn't be able to get my beast will without giving up the one you already have. But, I hope you can carry me around like you do those Asuras." His voice slowly fading, and I began grasping at the particles with my will to pull them into me. Coalescing into a small piece inside me along with my other wills, his form continued to feed into it has his body broke down into mana.

When the last piece made its way to its rightful place I could feel Tuk's memories begin to rush through my head. The missing feeling from when our bond had broken was now refilled, and I could have my friend continue on my journey with me. Based on his memories he knew that he wasn't strong enough to be able to help me any further with what is to come besides with his knowledge.

I sat silently in my bed replaying his memories through of our times together, and smiled sadly at the moments. I clutched my hand to my chest and laid back onto my bed.

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