Letter from the Princess.

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It's been a couple months since Ashbern at this point, and we are making the trek from Kalberk to Etistin. Etistin if you count by cities would be considered the halfway point, but in distance it's a little less. As it's the halfway point and the biggest city after Xyrus, Mr. Zany plans to stay there for at least a month. It's been a total of 3 and half months since we left, and it's a 2 week trip to Etistin from Kalberk as the trails have many hills slowing the carriages. This also means more breaks for the horses from having to pull such heavy loads, up and down hill.

I can already smell the salty air of the see floating on the wind and can't wait to see the ocean. I'm currently riding in the last wagon as it has become "my spot" as the others tend to say. I'm also opening the letter I received from the Princess back in Kalberk. She had sent it here a couple weeks ago after my last letter I sent from Eksire made it to her.

To receive these letters she has sent them under another name as to not draw attention, as to why the Princess would be sending letters to random towns. I just sneak off and change into my normal clothes to accept them at the messengers office in the new cities. This letter is much like the others she sends.

"To Jaron Helstea,

I'm writing to you today to express my sincere displeasure in my instructors, they expect so much from me just because I am the Princess. I wish that like you I could travel to the various cities, and see the sights candidly rather than by escort of the guards.

I wish I could walk up and down the streets and see the many vendors without drawing the attention a royal escort does! However it seems my troubles are not as grave as yours. My heart dropped when I read that you were attacked by bandits. I do hope you are truly okay and not just pretending I'm order to keep me happy. I ha- severely dislike dishonest people.

I also want to express my displeasure again at the fact that you won't be at the auctions for the next 3 years. I had looked forward to seeing you again. I-I don't make friends often and I feel, oddly at ease in your presence. I don't feel the weighty sensation of expectation like I do from everyone else. I feel at.. peace around you.

Please come back soon.

Yours most sincerely,

Kathyln Glayder"

(AN: she can sign her name normally but the outside of the letter has her false name)

I chuckle at the letter because I can feel that her instructor or someone similar was reading the letter as she wrote it. Each letter is meticulously written as to not displease her teachers. Well I guess I should write back.

"Dear Princess,

I can feel your frustrations through you words that you write, as well as the stiffness in them. Is instructor Suzanne watching you write after the last letter? While it is annoying I'm sure, you'll only make it worse by fighting with her.

As for expectations, oddly I can relate to the suffocating feeling. The need to continually improve myself has weighed heavily on my mind. As for seeing the city as you please, just try to hold out until the academy. Then we will be able to (definitely not Mrs Suzanne) sneak off and visit the local shops and vendors.

Please do not fret for my safety as I'm being protected by a rather capable group of adventurers. Sure there are some sour apples in the group of reds, but sometimes the drama is half the trip. Besides he seems to be turning a new leaf as of late.

As for being dishonest, well I can't promise to always be truthful. Sometimes small lies until the other is ready is the most logical course of action, as a Princess I'm sure you know this best. And besides didn't you tell me last time how you had to fake a smile the entire time Lady Laramie visited you for tea?

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