Questions, Bonds, and Roommates

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While asleep I had a dream, and during that dream a huge bird consisting of red feathers flew down. I had drawn my sword in preparation for an attack, but the bird changed into a man with long red hair and gold eyes. He pointed at my sword and the dark grey steel shone in a bright blue aura before it dimmed again.

However it left new marking across the blade, of various symbols I didn't know along with jagged patterns. The gold wings of the guard seemed to bleed and now there was specks of red flecked into the gold. The sword now felt... alive is the only way to describe, but when I went to ask the man what he'd done to the sword he turned back into the red bird and flew away. The sword vibrates faintly before the symbols were once again hidden, but the bright blue jagged lines and the red specks remained.

I placed the sword back in my scabbard, and the dream scene changed to my core space. A bright yellow core floated in a sea of darkness, one hairline crack could be seen showing a dark grey. However what I noticed was how my fire mana was acting differently than normal.

Usually inside my core the fire mana stays red and I have to change it to blue as I will it out of my core. That had changed now though, the previously volatile and uncontrolled red flame had morphed into a roaring but contained blue flame. They moved quickly and with purpose, and that's when I saw the pattern.

The same jagged patterns as the ones that are on my sword. Focusing on that I begin to influence the mana, condensing and controlling it even more until the flowing flame becomes streamlined. The more it condenses the more power I feel from it until hear a thunder clap and see sparks of electricity begin to fly.

Feeling my sword vibrate once more I pull it out and the fire mana turned lightning heads straight towards the sword. Had I not braved myself I would have been flung back from the force of the strike, but I held in and watched as the lightning fed into the sword until it ran out. The sword continued to glow a faint blue, briefly showing the symbols before it stopped.

I could feel the lightning mana racing inside the sword, almost like it's powering it. I also feel I can mold the lightning mana better now that the sword is in my hand. I begin channeling the lightning inside my body and I can feel all my nerves burning like they are on fire. My eyes strain and the previous speedy lightning doesn't seem as fast anymore.

The mana particles in the core area are moving slowly and I feel, hear, see, and smell everything clearer. A few seconds longer and I release the mana outwards and like a frayed string, numerous lines of electricity shot out from my body and I could feel it winding back down and returning to normal. As it did I woke up clutching my sword tightly and feeling the hair all over my body standing on end. An exhilarating feeling coursed through me, so I immediately jumped out of bed and went to train as I didn't want to wasted this feeling.

Even with them being my first swings with the new sword and it being comically taller than me, everything felt right. The grip gently placed in my hands rolled smoothly when changing the grip. The weight felt perfect for me even in this small body, like it adjusted itself to its wielder. My 100 swings went by too fast but I still meditated immediately after.

Mana seemed to obey better and better, especially my now bright blue fire mana. It was now on par with the proficiency I had with wind, which seemed to gain a new sharpness as well. Before my wind cut like a serrated knife, ripping and tearing through its target. Much like the assassins' wind propelled knife from the market the other day.

Now it was sharper and more precise, like a razor wire being lashed out like a whip. Everything just felt in sync, everything took less concentration than before. It honestly felt like when I make a breakthrough to the next stage of core, everything becoming easier. But checking it I could still see the domineering bright yellow orb.

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