My New Sparring Partner

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Once the Leywins came inside, Reynolds began to recount the story of what happened on their way up here and I could see them and even the Helstea's sneaking glances at me from time to time.

"Thank you so much Vincent and Tabitha, this means more than you know." Reynolds says sadly, but with a strained smile.

"Think nothing of it Rey, we're happy to have you and your family here." Tabitha says while giving a glance towards Alice's growing belly before Vincent continues.

"Besides we recently renovated the auction house to hold 3 times more people and I need someone like you to whip those recruit guards into shape. You'd be doing us a favor if anything." Vincent said with a bright smile on his face.

"Again, thank you. But what's the story with this little guy?" Reynolds responds and then points at me.

"It's not nice to point you know." I say sarcastically.

"That would be our adopted son Jaron. He lives at the local orphanage until he formed his mana core at just 2 years old." Vincent was the one to answer the question. Both Alice and Reynolds' eyes went wide as they looked at me.

"Why were you more surprised at my awakening than my core level?" I ask childishly, looking for better reactions for my bright yellow core from them.

"It's just... Our son, Art. He formed his core just before his 3rd birthday." Alice said softly, so I feigned surprise while my family didn't have to.

"Wow, another kid like me." I say before adopting a contemplating look. Their looks turned pained again and that's when Tabitha speaks up.

"Alright, no need to talk about such things. You and your family can have the west wing. Why don't we get you settled in and then you can relax from your journey instead of being grilled." Me and Vincent both had the sense to look at least a little guilty, as Tabitha corralled the Leywins and took them to their rooms.

I look over at Vincent and stand up with a slight smile on my face.

"I think this house is going to get a little bit more interesting. Wouldn't you say?" He grins and nods his head in agreement.

"Theirs one thing I know about a Leywin, and that's that there is never a dull moment." He responded candidly. I chuckle before turning for the door.

"I'm going back outside to train, call for me in an hour for lunch." He nods before standing up himself to head back to his study.

"I'll most like send Gerald or Annie to retrieve, just don't go to far." I turn back to him.

"Ah, that won't be necessary."

"Hm? Why not? Do you not like them?" He asks confused.

"No it's just that you won't need to send them to find me. I recently acquired my sound deviance. Plus there's Tuk." I say with a cheeky grin, as I see his face become shocked.

"Sound deviant?! And you bonded with the Sonic Hawk already?" He exclaims

"His name is Tuk, and yes we made an equals contract. Also I got my lightning deviance this morning, but I still need to train them as they drain my mana way faster than my wind or fire man. Not to mention the more concentration." I say offhandedly.

"Sigh, what are we going to do with you Jaron." He says with an exasperated face.

"No clue. Let me know when you find out." I say as I dash back out the front door to get back to my training, also grabbing the Sonic Hawk beast core that came with Tuk.

Instead of going into my swings again I decided to meditate with the beast core, sadly there was no beast will as only A ranks and higher have those. However it should still be helpful in refining my wind magic as well as my sound magic, making me become more in tune with it.

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