Meeting my Traveling Party

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2 days came and went quickly as I finished the final preparations for my journey. The ring that King Glayder bought for me proved its usefulness here, as even with my outfits, a couple months worth of rations, my sword and my now extensive collection of various tea leaves and brewing kit, as well as a tent and bed roll.

I believe my past life is bleeding through here with my fascination with tea, while truthfully I really only drank sweet tea. I had tried various others such as, green tea, chamomile and a few others. Now I'm trying every tea that the tea shop had, and a little side quest of my own is to find some herbs to maybe make my own tea.

Shaking thoughts of my tea obsession out of my head I notice that I'm catching quite few glances from the other people walking the streets, which is to be expected with my current getup. A few more paces and I see the square that holds the teleport gates to enter and exit the city, and i quickly spot the caravan that I will be defending for the next year.

A fat man sat in a chair that was covered by an umbrella and 2 beautiful women were fanning him while he sipped on a cold drink, which I inferred from the condensation collecting on the outside of the glass. I couldn't blame him, it was hot. Thankfully my outfit was able to combat that so I didn't feel the least bit warm, it was like a constant breeze was running across my body.

As I approached closer I could get a better look at the man. He had a thin and curled mustache and equally thin and curled eyebrows. His cheeks were red and puffy, glistening with sweat. His hair on his head was thinning as well but a tiny hat that resembled a fez sat on his head, no doubt hiding a bald spot. His clothes were only of a slightly worse quality than what I wear when I go out with the Helstea's so it was obvious the man was wealthy if I didn't know that from the huge caravan or the absurd amount of money he's paying to keep himself safe.

He wore a bright green fluffy button up shirt and you could see the buttons were hanging on for dear life. His pants were a dark brown soft leather, with pockets on the sides. He wore a fluffy slipper looking shoe, to cushion his feet from the hard ground and they were a gaudy orange color.

However when he spoke I was quite surprised or rather I would have been had I not researched Williams Zany beforehand. Turns out despite his appearance he's not a slime ball, though I only had 2 days from what i observed he's actually a good person. He donates to a couple other orphanages around Xyrus, the one I attended just happened to be sponsored by the Helstea's or I imagine he would donate there too.

The reason he takes these year long trips every couple years is to find new things to bring back, but to also bring back stories to tell the kids. Now I know what you're thinking and I can't say for 100% that he's not a pedo, but truthfully from what I've been able to observe he's actually a stand up guy with unfortunate genetics.

"Ah! You must be the 'Rez' Sir Kaspian told me about. A pleasure to have an adventurer vetted by Sir Kaspian himself." He said as he stood from chair to greet me. His cheeks jiggled as he nodded his head as if agreeing with himself.

"I am." I plainly responded.

"Oooh! As disturbing as the rumors say, and to the point with your words. I believe we will get along fashionably." As he said that though, he looked at my attire and grimaced slightly, but enough for me to catch.

"But dear Rez your outfit looks dreadfully hot, are you sure you'll be alright during the summer months?" He asks in genuine concern.

"No need to worry Mr. Zany. I'll be fine." He nods his head before waving his hand and taking a seat.

"Please, call me Williams or Will. No need to be so formal since you'll be here the whole year."

"Very well Will. I look forward to our journey. Are the other adventurers here yet?" As I said that his pleasant smile turned to a frown.

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