Valden City

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A few days he passed since that first night and we were on day 4, mountains along our right side contrasted the blue sky with their grey rocky faces. The Grand Mountains they were called, and rightfully so reaching heights taller than modern day skyscrapers from earth. I lived in a rather flat area of earth with more rivers, and creeks than any kind of hills and mountains, so this scenery was really breathtaking.

However we weren't here for the mountains, as beautiful as they were, we were here for the first city of our journey Valden City.

(AN: theirs like no description of Valden other than its close to the grand mountains, and that's where Alice met Rey while she was working at the adventurers guild)

Honestly I don't remember anything about this city from my past life, as I don't think anything significant ever happened here. Although when I was living at the orphanage and when I learned from the tutors at the Helstea household I had heard about it quite a bit with it being so close to Xyrus.

It was a city only in name as I would consider it more of a village, but I guess it's unfair to compare it Xyrus. It thrived with its vast and rich fields to grow crops, that could be sold to Xyrus, and then teleported to other cities. As well as a fairly successful fishing village from a river that comes down from The Grand Mountains right beside their city.

High sturdy wooden walls surrounded the main part of the city, and their city name shown through with loosely cobbled roads. Though with a heavy enough rain the mud could still become a problem. Upon entering the city we were greeted by the gate guards and after showing them our adventurer cards and Mr Zany showing his merchant license we were allowed entry.

"Rez. Could I ask you to go to the adventurer guild here and send a message to the guild leader in Xyrus that we arrived in Valden?" Durk had approached me while I was looking around at the various shops and stalls, savory scents of fish and meats hung in the air.

"I'll go with him!" Naomi called from the back of the carriage. She hopped out and walked up to us.

"He's not a very good talker, so I'll come with so he doesn't scare anyone." She said with a cheeky grin on her face. Durk looks from her to me and then shakes his head.

"Very well, but don't take too long. Part of our job is to also guard Mr. Zany and the caravan while he sells his goods." We both nod and got directions from a local for the location of the guild hall. We passed a few stalls and each stall seemed to garner more of Naomi's attention than the last.

"Did you want to buy something?" I ask as I continue walking, and noticed she slightly stumbled but regained.

"Was it that obvious?" She asked shyly.

"Like a kid in a candy store." I said plainly. I saw her cheeks slightly blush before another storefront caught her eye and I chuckled. She whipped her head to me so that I could see her glare, but it only caused me to chuckle more.

"Case in point." Was all I said as she pouted and we fell into a companionable silence until the guild hall. I really try to enjoy these silences as the girl doesn't seem to have a stop button most of the time. The only way is to tease or embarrass her and she'll go quiet for a little while, but all good things come to an end.

"Hey look!" She shouted as she tugged on my shirt while pointing across the street at a dress vendor. Masterfully silk spun dresses were hanging on racks and mannequins as the vendor called out his wares. He even had a few ladies walking around in the dresses to show them off while telling passerby's about the dress.

"Silk harvested from the A rank mana beast Twin Blade Tarantula!" At the sound of tarantula a chill went down my back, old phobias die hard. Thankfully I have a portable flamethrower in this life. I feel myself be pulled toward the stall and I can only sigh.

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