The First Day of School

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I wake up in my bed to see that the sun has still not risen yet, I most likely only slept for around 2-3 hours. Though that's not really been a problem as I've pushed closer and closer to breaking through the white mana core stage, as well as my growing Asuran purity. I mostly sleep every night to rest my constantly in motion brain, always trying to think and prepare for the next part of the story.

I could only be annoyed at myself however, since I hadn't been able to immediately note down what I remembered from the books. I also underestimated the strain holding the memories of multiple people would put on my own. My brain seems to see my last life's memories as burdens that aren't required for this world and we are engaged in a tug of war for them.

As of now I'm only left with bare and vague memories of the happenings, and because I don't remember everything I have taken every precaution I can. I remember a mishap on a class scheduled dungeon dive, as well as an attack on the school. Faint traces of betrayal linger on the memories as well, so it's possible it was a student or even a teacher.

Not that it matters, I've taken the necessary steps to limit any damage that can take place. The badges that every student wears is connected to my own, it will tell me immediately if something is happening. Whether a student is being attacked without a duel being issued, or just their emotional state signifying something more than just the stress and worry of studies. They're badges only possess the shield for the duels though, had I had enough time I could have possibly made them with capabilities similar to the amulets I gave my closest friends and family.

Though that also would have made them draw suspicion from even the untrained eye. There's a lot of power that goes into something like, and if everyone in the school had them it would draw unwanted questions. Lifting the soft blanket from my body I exit the bed and begin my morning routine.

Since I train seriously every night I leave the mornings to just be a quick and light workout. A jog around the school, which if I'm being honest I'm not sure most would consider a jog. I'm also not sure whether it's benefiting me at all at this point, but it's nostalgic. Taking me back to my daily routine at the orphanage and at my family's manor. After the jog are my deep stretched to make sure I don't lose my flexibility and limberness. I finish it off with 1 thousand vertical slashes before sitting and meditating for the next hour.

Like clockwork the sun begins to rise up just above the horizon, and i snap out of my meditation and head back to my room to wash up before the classes start for the day. Due to my shadowing from last year of the previous council president, I'm not required to take the 1st year classes. Which means I actually don't have any classes to attend until after lunch. I figured the least I could do would be to walk Kathyln to her classes.

Unlike me she actually enjoyed studying and took every class that she could, while personally I only took classes I felt could help me progress in becoming stronger. Even in my last life I didn't thirst for knowledge the way she did, I showed up, got the bare minimum required to pass and then rinsed and repeated. I couldn't be bothered with trying to excel in such a mundane exercise of just playing essentially memory games with different subjects.

With a knock on Kathyln's door, I hear a faint response.

"I will be right there." I stand waiting until the door is finally opened by Kathyln in her school uniform and her disciplinary committee badge hung in her uniform. I smiled.

"Good morning, Kat." Her cheeks warmed, but she smiled in return. One that she only showed me when she was truly happy.

"Good morning, Jaron." Slipping her arms through my right we began our walk to her class. We walked in a pleasant melancholic silence to her class. She turned to me with an anticipating look and I just grin wryly.

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