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Terrin was a guy of shorter stature as well as thin, his face was kind looking. A great contrast to the cunning and arrogant looks coming from the president and vice president. His hair was dirty blonde, long and swept to one side, a pair of glasses rested on the bridge of his nose. His eyes were an almost grey color, though he had a constant squint so it was hard to tell.

"I've already met Jaron, so Melanie can go next." The blonde haired girl from earlier nodded before looking at me nervously.

"I'm Melanie Velero, the Vice President. I was give the pleasure of preparing Tessia for the position next year." She finished by sitting back down, so I decided to stand and introduce myself.

"I am Jaron Helstea, future president of the council. I look forward to working with you all." I retook my seat and Clive took that as his indication to speak.

"Clive Graves. I will be the future secretary, you and the vice president can come to me for anything." He finished by looking directly at Tessia and only giving me the briefest of glances. It seems his crush has already begun, poor guy. Terrin stood up again with a sheet of paper and began speaking as he looked over it.

"The first thing in the agenda is more for the future candidates as it's to do with how you're going to handle discrimination in the school. We can't be everywhere at once, so you'll have to come up with something that can prevent or at least delay until one of us can arrive. How do you propose to fix this?" Tessia went to answer, but I spoke first.

"The answer is that we can't. Of course we can still come up with punishments and the like, but that's not going to deter the people who are against the integration. Tessia taking up a council position is a good first step, but truly all we can do is lead by example. Both in positive reinforcement and punishments depending on the situation.

It might sound counter intuitive to congratulate someone just because they didn't go too far, but that's the best we are going to get until they get exposed to the opposing race more often. and honestly in my opinion we need a Dwarf on the council or some other sort of position of authority.

That's why I suggest a disciplinary committee, that works in tandem with the student council. They can have a representative who is a dwarf, but the leader needs to human as well. Position of power but not the leading figure." Tessia speaks up at that.

"Are you saying the other races aren't capable or worthy of being in the lead positions?!" I just scoff at her, for misunderstanding, though I can't really blame her either. It's certainly not a fair situation, but life's not fair.

"No Tessia, that's not what I'm saying. Tell me who is the leading power in the Elf kingdom. The hint is in the word kingdom, meaning King Alduin is the true head, whether he seeks council from the queen or not. With that what would be the more likely scenario, say they had to marry and integrate with humans. Would you become the queen of the elf kingdom or would you be married out to the humans to become queen.

You would most likely become queen of the humans, as it's more about the view than the actual practicality of it. The public sees integration and progress, but on the inside you do nothing to help with the policies of the human kingdom. A worthy male elf becomes the next king and a female human becomes his queen, for the same reason.

Progress is called progress because it's not instant. This whole situation has nothing to do with whether you can or can't do something. It's about the path of least resistance, and while that's slight cowardice it's also the path I believe will meet the least problems."

"For humans anyway." She spats back and I grin as I turn towards her.

"You're learning then. Yes we are trying to make it easier for the humans because they are the majority here and it will be harder to stop each and everyone of them from discriminating against the other races. View points will not change immediately no matter how much you wish for it too. I'm fact it's would cause more students to rebel, causing more incidents which in turn will cause the discriminated to retaliate.

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