Final Test

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It was early in the morning of my birthday, May 30th, and I was going through my normal routine. Though I had decided that should start increasing the amount the of swings. It's only at 200 swings each set for 10 sets, but it's still a fairly significant increase. I haven't learned much about the sword these past 6 months, but I feel like I'm on the right path.

Truthfully these past 6 months have been focused on fighting without my sword, but I always make sure not to become rusty. Which leads to my progress in hand to hand combat. Reynolds had taken quickly to being my sparring partner and instructor in this. I must admit I feel a bit bad because it seems like he's using me as a placeholder for Arthur.

Which I can't blame him for that, as I'm sure it's very devastating. Either way I learned quickly, and adapted everything he showed, so that it could be used for my more speed focused body. My style was now a very dodge and redirecting force heavy combat style before I would release a series of lightning fast blows to weak points on the body.

Enough of that though, as it's currently time for my final test. The thing I've been waiting on since Kaspian said he really didn't have anymore to teach me via the sword. The test so that I can become an adventurer.

"Seems you've grown in this past year." Kaspian stated plainly. Looking inwards at my core the cracks littered the bright yellow orb, signifying it's readiness to breakthrough to Silver.

"Well I've had help." I say as I gesture to my sword then over to Tuk, and Reynolds who was standing to the side with my family and his. Alice was holding a little baby girl in her arms as she watched. Eleanor had been born in these past 6 months.

"Very well, the basis of the duel is if one of us is unable to continue the other wins. Also I may stop the duel early either if I think you've passed or I think you're not yet strong enough. Now lets begin." He says with a serious expression on his face while watching to see my reaction. Only to see me grin. I've been waiting for this how could I not be excited?

"Ready when you are Mister Kas!" A tick mark forms on his face at the nickname, but he draws his sword and takes his stance. I follow his lead bringing out mine while letting it rest comfortably out in front of me.

"Show me what you've learned." He says as he takes off into a sprint at me and I just calmly await his approach.

As soon as he reaches me I realize he hasn't generated any mana, going for a pure sword exchange to start the fight I see. He slashes so I prepare my sword as if I'm going to receive it, only to angle it as I side step so that it slides down. I bring my sword around to his right shoulder and he barely gets his sword up to block mine before I could score the first hit.

His eyes narrow as he resets and looks over my stance. He comes forth again and we exchange a rapid flurry of pure sword blows, but he notices that as time goes on I'm meeting his strikes faster and faster and his eyes widen a little. When they do I pick up my speed and force the fight to him, overwhelming him with slashes that leave the wind whistling as my blade seeks the first mark.

Over head slash meets block, to a horizontal slash and he dodges. Following the momentum into a spinning leg sweep he jumps over it just to see my sword coming at him in a stabbing motion. The first time I had ever stabbed at him in our duels. This caught him slightly off guard, but he quickly recovered. However not in the way he wanted, he needed to use his wind mana to slow my sword slightly so that he could bring his sword up to block.

Even with that my sword was able to draw first blood by scoring a slash across his right arm. Not deep enough to be cause of concern, but enough to see the thick blood leak out. He takes a few steps back and looks at me calmly. I take a few steps back as well and remain ready for the real part of the duel.

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