Counting down to the adventure.

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After changing out of my Rez attire I decided to join my family and the Leywins in their private booth. I was still a little annoyed at having to drop out, but I truthfully didn't want to be a Lance. Arthur and especially me will be anomalies stronger than Lances on this continent and it just wouldn't do to have all the responsibilities Lances would. After all I may be a strong fighter, but that doesn't mean I'd be a good general or leader on the battlefield. Unless we're fighting mana beasts as I doubt there's more than few as knowledgeable or more than me on the strengths and weaknesses of them.

Knocking on the door a maid opens it, and upon seeing me immediately ushers me into the room. When everyone saw me they had surprised expressions and for good reason, as I was supposed to return to the stands.

"What did the king want you for?" My father said as he and everyone's eyes were on me.

"He recognized my sword when I was fighting Bree, and after talking I told him the reason I accepted to fight in this tournament. It didn't fit with what they are trying to accomplish, so he had me withdraw from the competition." I said with a shrug as a chair was brought for me beside my family.

"Why did you enter the tournament, and why didn't it fit with the tournaments goals?" It was Arthur who spoke this time.

"Well, the tournament is to decide Lances for each race. These Lances are supposed to be the strongest mages of their respective races, and my goal was to beat the human competitors to show that they can still improve while not taking the position." Arthur clarified what I hadn't said.

"And I'm guessing the strongest aren't allowed to have lost or looked weak." I give a faint smile and a nod

"Yup! Something about better for the Lances, but worse for the public. Anyways now we don't have to come to this place everyday, and we can start planning for our journey." This gained smiles from everyone though some were a bit sad.

"Don't look so glum! The journey is not for another 3 months after all." I say trying to brighten the mood a little.

"You're right, Jaron. Lets enjoy these 3 months." Alice said with a more cheerful expression now.

"Winner Aya Grephin! Next match will decide the second place candidate of the Elves between Alea Triscan and Vivian Puffin"

"Hmm. Who do you think will win Jaron?" Arthur asked as he was watching the competitors enter the field. I smirked inwardly.

"I have a strong feeling that Alea Triscan will be the winner." Arthur nods to my response.

"I see." His gaze focuses on Alea and her mastery of plant deviant magic. Vines would shoot out and attempt to snag Vivian only to be cut down, she was making quite a good showing. Her wind magic proving sharp enough to cut the thick vines worming their way to her, but she could never advance any further. Once she slipped up and got caught by a vine and was sent flying, she caught herself with wind magic only to get hit by a whip like vine.

While she was tumbling through the air the vines caught her and wrapped her up so she couldn't move. Realizing how out matched she was she forfeited.

"Winner Alea Triscan, she and Aya Grephin will join Bairon Wykes and Varay Aurae in the winners box as we get underway with the Dwarf matches." Alduin's voice came over the artifact, and I truly didn't care enough to stay and watch this match.

[TimeSkip-3 months]

Since the tournament the days have moved on easily enough. Me, Arthur and Reynolds would spar daily in the mornings and then I would attend noble matters with my dad. Partly because I wanted to get closer to him, but also to work towards the agreement I had with Cynthia. My dad works with lots of other nobles and high ranking members of Xyrus city society which means I inevitably meet their daughters or sons. Daughters are a bit easier to persuade to vote for me when I become a student Xyrus academy. Sons usually ask why should they, and they ask me to show them why I should.

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