Meeting Arthur

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The day continued with the women fighting their matches, but I only recognized the 3 that advanced. That being Bree, the mage archer who survived the dungeon with me, Vanesy Glory as well Varay Aurae. Bree I had remembered being only light orange back at the dungeon was now dark yellow, it seems she had broken through recently. Which didn't fare too well for her as everyone else were all light yellow or silver that remained in the human bracket.

"The matches for the 2nd round of the humans will be as follows. Bairon Wykes versus Vanesy Glory. Bree against Rez, and lastly Varay Aurae will face Brald. These matches will take place 3 days from now, after the Dwarven and Elven competitions. Thank you for your attendance, and thank you competitors for the great showing." King Blaine finished and the crowd began to cheer. The day has been long, but the sun was only just beginning to fall.

I was making my way down the steps when Bree came up to me from behind.

"Hey there Rez!" I turn towards her and give a small nod.

"Bree. That was a good showing, it's unfortunate we drew each other." She gives a smile and puffs out her chest slightly.

"It's what I do, but don't think your match against me will be easy! I plan to win this thing." A smile forms under my mask and I chuckle, which gains me scowl from Bree.

"You don't think I can?" I wave a hand to deny it and her scowl eases up but she's still leaning forward with her hands on her hips.

"That's not what I meant, but it's good to see you so confident. So you aren't going to forfeit?" She smirks at me and leans back while crossing her arms across her chest.

"Hmph you wish Rez. How about a bet?" I cock my head to the side in confusion.

"A bet? For what?" She smirks again and points at my face.

"If I win, you let me see your face. If you win..." she trails off as she begins to think.

"Well it would have to be something similar, to keep it fair." I said, nonchalantly not really thinking about it. Apparently that wasn't the right thing to say as she flushed a deep red while covering her chest with her hands. Realizing the misunderstanding I waved my hand quickly.

"Haha that's not what I meant Bree. I meant something similar in importance. After all what would be the point of a mask if people knew who was beneath it." Her blush remained but only a faint tinge compared to the one that was as bright as her hair.

"Ahem, I-I see. I almost you were a lecher Rez." She said as she cleared her throat.

"Well you were trying to undress me first after all, so it would only be fair." I tease back which causes her to flush once again, before glaring at me.

"That is not the same, but I see your point. How about I'll owe you a favor. I doubt I have anything you could want, but this at least it can be helping you with something." I just nod, though I'm really not sure what she could help me with.

"Very well. If I win you owe me a favor. If you win I'll show you my face." I held out my hand to shake and grabbed it with hers and a massive grin appeared on her face. She stepped past to go down the stairs and called over her shoulder.

"You can't chicken out once I beat you Rez!" She didn't turn around for my response, but I still have a nod as she disappeared into the exit. I really hope she doesn't have a crush on me as that could make this a bit awkward. Oh well, I have other things to worry about for now. I make my way to the exit as well and eventually out the arena quickly finding an alley to change clothes and rush home.

I'll probably beat them there, but that will give me some time to relax momentarily before the meeting with Arthur. I'm quite curious what it will be like. I'm sure they told him that I was Rez, as Reynolds probably couldn't keep his mother shut, but I wonder if they told him that I was his age. That should be a fun surprise.

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