My First Match

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"Haaa!" Brald caught the flaming sword of Geist on his shield, with a quick twist of his wrist the shield gave and let the sword skid off. Not expecting the sudden absence of resistance Geist was off balance and his sword hit the ground, Brald took advantage and stomped on it with a fire fueled foot. At the contact the flames burst out from his foot along the ground and caught Geist in the chest flinging him back.

Rolling with the momentum he hopped back to his feet and already started sending a swarm of fireballs at Brald, who just deflected them with his shield or slide through them as he marched toward Geist. Sending one more powerful fire ball and then 2 fire arrows to Bralds feet, he dashes and slides to his sword only to meet the shield of Brald with his face.

The stalwart man offered no give with his shield and Geist ricocheted off and smacked the ground, he was briefly stunned so he rolled to slow and had foot stomp on his solar plexus. Gagging and coughing on the ground he waved off the other man right as he was about to deliver another vicious kick to Geist's side.

"Geist has forfeited, therefore Brald will advance to the next round. Rez and Xavier, please make your way to the prep rooms. You will have 20 minutes to prepare yourselves." Alduin was the one who came over the amplifier as Brald was still in the arena holding his sword and shield up in triumph as the crowd cheered for the fight. I however instead of heading to the prep room went straight to the field, willing my staff out of my ring as leapt onto the arena.

Brald looked to me and seemed to realize he had been basking a little too long in his victory and quickly exited with one last bow to the crowd.

"Rez. Are you forgoing your time in the prep room?" This time it was King Blaine and I just nod my head and stood at the North side, just below the kings box. Xavier floated down to the battlefield and I cocked my eyebrow at that. Checking his mana core level, I find it's only light yellow. Usually wind magic would provide some sort of visual cue to its use, but he didn't seem to have one.

That's when a thought crossed my mind, Gravity deviant. Hmm maybe this won't be too boring after all.

"Is the contestant Xavier also not using the alotted time to warm up?" Blaine's voice plays across again and Xavier bows towards him.

"I'm ready for my fight your majesty." Blaine nods and we both take our stances, me holding my staff against my arm casually and he bringing out a wand from his sleeve. Conjurer eh? I truthfully haven't given much thought to fighting gravity deviant opponents, so this could be a little training session for myself.

"As both fighters have denied their 20 minute prep, the match will begin now. Fighters are you ready?" Blaines voice booms across the arena, and we both nod our heads in response.

"Fight!" We both stand there for a moment sizing each other up before he makes the first move, by summoning a Boulder sized rock and flinging it towards me. Might as well have some fun I suppose if he's not going to use gravity magic at the start. Willing sound mana through my staff I feel it beginning to vibrate and I just point it towards the rock flying my way. Various gasps come from the crowd and even Xavier looks surprised, but I just have a smirk under my mask.

As the rock makes contact with my staff it turns to pebbles which I send back at him with wind magic, just to see the pebbles fall sharply to the ground as they approach. Oh? It seems he has been using Gravity magic, it's just not that far reaching. Though that could be a trick to make me think it can't reach further, but honestly I doubt gravity will effect my half Asuran body now.

I start fueling sound mana into my feet and let the vibrations bleed into the ground as I step to him. Each strep cracks the ground and my steps are amplified by the sound mana, sounding like a giant stepping towards him. His face grows serious and he conjures several more earth constructs however this time they fly much faster than the first.

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