First Night

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The first day passed rather uneventfully with me having conversations with Naomi whether I was walking or riding. Sometimes her other party members would join the ride or they would be the one walking behind the last carriage we were, but the seemed content with girl bombarding me with questions trying to determine my age.

"Have you kissed a girl before?" She asked with still the same enthusiasm as the first time she asked my age this morning.

"Yes." Was immediate reply.

"Was it with the girl you're courting." This time quietly as if it was a scandal while Amanda, who had joined us in the back giggled.

"No, it was long before I ever met her." Which isn't a lie as the girl I kissed was in my past life, and I've been here for 5 years.

"Have you ever... done it?" She asked timidly, once again earning a laugh from Amanda.

"Done what?" I ask with a head tilt.

"Done... well you know..." Not answering and just keeping my head tilted she leans closer and says in a whisper.

"S-E-X.?" This causes both me and Amanda to laugh loudly as Naomi blushes a bright red.

"Ugh! You don't have to tease me." She huffed in annoyance with the blush of embarrassment still across her cheeks.

"Well you do kind of deserve it with as many questions as you've asked him." Amanda pointed out.

"You don't find him mysterious or anything? Of course I'm going to be curious when a ki- er guy is walking around in a get up like that." She defended herself.

"Yes. I have." They both turn and look at me in confusion, before realization sparks in their eyes.

"Really! Was it with the girl your courting or was it another woman?! Oh~ how scandalous." Both girls bounced in anticipation, waiting for me to continue.

"It was way before I met the girl I'm courting." I replied evenly.

"Oh what happened was it forbidden love? Did she cheat on you?" Naomi asked in rapid succession.

"No, she's not here." I said mysteriously, as I couldn't say truthfully if she died since I don't know if she did or not. However saying she's not here anymore is practically the same thing and not technically a lie, though I guess she was never here. Eh, semantics.

"Oh... I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought it up. I guess you really are older than you look." She said sadly and I only felt a tiny bit of guilt as even with my infinite patience the girl was beginning to wear on me.

"Oh? And how old do I look, pray tell if you can't see my face?" I ask teasingly.

"Well with how short you are I assumed you were a kid. But then you said you're a yellow core mage and you beat that B rank guy in 1 move, which was incredible by the way. The way you just swooshed off and kicked him in the chest sending him flying into the wall like a rag doll. So now I'm no longer sure. How old are you the ?" I had to resist the urge to face palm at her rapid non stop retelling of everything and she ended up asking how old I was again. Amanda didn't have the same reluctance and openly face palmed.

"Old enough to send someone 3 times your size 'flying like a rag doll' as you put it, for annoying me." Her eyes went wide and she nodded her head in understanding, though I knew like all people similar to her, it wouldn't be long and she would be asking more questions. I could only sigh at the revelation.

I was brought from my pity party by the stopping of the caravan and Durk coming to the back of the line to talk to us.

"We're going to go ahead and set up camp for the night, there is an open field just ahead so the wagons are going to form a tight circle. The drivers and Mr. Zany, along with the rest of us will sleep inside the circle. We'll have 3 people on night watch and they will rotate every 3 hours, giving every one 6 hours of sleep and a rotating person that will get the full 9." We nodded out understanding, and with a brief nod from him he jogged back to the front and led the wagons into the field.

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