Before the Ceremony

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[Jaron POV]

Today was the day of the Opening Ceremony for the new year of Xyrus academy. As Student Council President I had to be there much earlier than the students that would be seated in the audience of the orientation, so me and Lilia left before Arthur and Elijah had even woke up from their sleep.

"Are you nervous?" I asked Lilia across from me in the carriage that was heading to the academy. She shook her head before looking towards me.

"No.. I feel strangely at ease. Though shouldn't I be asking you that? I don't have to give any speeches, but you are going to be giving arguably the most important one." I just smile and gaze out the window to see the passing of pedestrians and the orange glow of the rising sun beginning to seep through.

"Have you ever known me to be nervous about anything?" Out of the corner of my eye I could see her adopt a thinking face before shaking her head.

"Now that you mention it, I don't think I have. You always seem to be so sure, no matter what position you find yourself in. How is that?" She asks as looks at me curiously and I turn from the window to stare back at her.

Tears begin falling down my cheeks and face begins to contort into an ugly crying mess. Sniffles break out as I rub at my eyes. Lilia's face is frozen in shock having never seen me like this before, and she quickly hops over to sit next to me.

"Jaron! What happened? What did I say?" She started to rub my back and look at me with a face every bit as similar to Mother's whenever she is concerned. That's when I started laughing and used wind mana to get rid of the tears. She looks at me confused when I start laughing, causing me to laugh a little harder.

"Hahaha, sorry Lilly. I really shouldn't tease you like that. Acting... Acting is the answer to your question." She smacked my arm hard and slumped back into her seat on the other side of the carriage.

"I see what you mean, but that was a dirty trick. I really believed you, you know?" I chuckle a little again.

"I know, I know. Sorry. But now you can see that while I may not show it all the time, even I can get nervous. Alright stop slouching, you know mother will somehow find out and you'll have to sit through another round of etiquette training." She quickly straightened up and smoothed out her uniform and took the position of a noble lady befitting of her heritage.

I nodded to her, and peeked out the window again to see that we had arrived at the gates of the academy. The carriage stopped and the door was opened by Gerald, I stepped out first and offered a hand from one side while Gerald offered from the other. Lilia took both and stepped down out of the carriage, and Gerald bowed to us.

"I shall be returning back to the manor so that I can bring Master Arthur and Master Elijah later, take care Master Jaron and Mistress Lilia."

"Get back safe Gerald, and thanks for the ride." I replied and Lilia echoed her appreciation as well before Gerald retook his seat in the front and ambled back to the manor. Me and Lilia turned back towards the academy and began our walk to the auditorium that the ceremony would be held in.

Once inside we were met with the pristine and slightly extravagant room where multiple helpers from various class years were bustling about getting everything ready. I could see Tessia and Clive, our Vice President and Secretary respectively, giving directions to various people. The current student council was made up of: Me, Tessia, Clive, Lilia who was the treasurer. Jarrod Redner was the Student Council Speaker, meaning he would give most announcements and speeches that didn't require me or Tessia. Claire Bladeheart was the Disciplinary Committee Representative.

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